October 25, 2010

Am foghar . . .

the crimson & gold hued treasures of Autumn
have slowly seeped into my very bones
and out through my pencils & brushes
"am foghar" my gaelic "autumn"
piece is begun, at last!
Thoughts of crisp woodland meanderings
and the wee creatures hidden there.
I am wanting to capture their wildness
in my drawings & tiny (unfinished) sculptures
It is nearly over, where do the hours disappear to?
We are safely snuggled into our wee house
as the dark draws round us,
finding plenty to keep our fingers busy
& with a whole heap of faerie stories to read.
My mr o is a travelling the highlands on & off
making the hours we share ever more precious.
Very soon i am off on an adventure with my girls
to the far flung corners of Marrakesh!!
So excited, my dreams are filled with
Arabian nights, dusky souks
story tellers, dancers & musicians
i can hardly wait!!
I wonder what keeps you occupied
on these drawing in so swiftly
velvety evenings?
x x x


  1. Your new piece is going to be beautiful. And, an adventure to Marrakesh?! I'm so jealous. Have a great time.

  2. wow!!!! wonderful, magical- delightful xxxx

  3. Your work is stunning. Have a great time in Marraskesh. I can't help think of Loreena McKennitt's songs inspired by her travels there.

  4. I LOVE this post... and the drawing and the wee animals even as they are yet unfinished. If I had long flowing auburn hair and was a bit more svelte, I might just be that maiden in the forest.

    And Marakesh! Wow, have a wonderful time, I'm looking forward to hearing about it upon your return.
    Safe travels!

  5. Oh! Your painting is so lovely! She's truly a Princess of Burnished Beauty with such wonderful tresses. And I love the little animals, is that a Fox I spy?

    What is the translation of 'Am Fogar' Ruthie?

    hugs Jane x

  6. I forgot to mention i dont actually begin my adventure untill mid December!! But i shall tell all when return.

    Medieval muse, i know i adore Marrakesh night market!

    also should mention that "Am Fogar" is gaelic for Autumn x

  7. You paint the most wonderful picture of Autumn Ruthie, both with your art and words. Wonderful stuff!

  8. I love seeing your arts.... just love the magical details and earthy warmth, the light and preciousness of each piece. Lovely also to have a wee glimpse into your life.

    My fire is going and i have to gem filled bracelets to complete tonight. Would love to post on each blog soon too.
    warmth from my heart to yours~

  9. Beautiful, beautiful Autumn, Ruthie! Autumn is my favourite season I think...unfortunately we didn't get much of one this year, or a winter either, and we are now heading full-speed-ahead into summer. It's one of my dreams to experience a 'proper' autumn one day, where ALL the trees actually turn gold and red and drop their leaves. And Marrakesh, wow! Another of my dreams, for years now...one day I'll get there. And I too can't help but think of Loreena McKennitt's music!

  10. wow, I love your artwork. Please check out my blog, I have a surprise for you. Hugs Sara

  11. Marrakesh? That is exciting - I'd love to pay a visit sometime. I love nosing around the Arabic shops in Edinburgh - I imagine the souks are a hundred times more wonderful! I am heading in the opposite direction - to Sweden - in a few weeks' time! Inspiration of another kind.

    These evenings I'm busy with university work, but as today's Friday I'm going to make some jar labels for some apple chutney I helped to make last week. And maybe I'll sew up my newly-knit handwarmers.

    Keep warm!

  12. Hi Ruthie, have a wonderful, mysterious, magical time! A perfect time of year for such a trip. :)

  13. I LOVE your new work Ruthie! Really beautiful post, I enjoyed reading it.
    Have a wonderfull adventure in Marakesh...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Ruthie,
    This is a very lovely post. It is good to see you have returned to blogging again in full force with your creativity. The new painting is beautiful. I love the medieval Celtic lady, gathering Autumn berries.

    Have a wonderful time in Marrakesh and enjoy the Eastern magic there! It will be lovely to see your photos when you return from your travels.
    Warmest Halloween wishes!
    Jo. xx

  16. Such a beautiful painting already. And a beautiful, magical time of year to inspire us! :)
    Very envious of your forthcoming trip...sounds wonderful :)

  17. I love your am foghar piece already. It is so exquisite. I can't wait to see the finished product.

    PS - Love your animals too.

  18. Beautiful work Ruthie, abundant Autumn and precious foxes.
    Your words have delighted me and painted such pretty pictures in my mind :)

    I love badger!!!!!

  19. Ruthie,
    She is beautiful! Your little creatures are so full of life even unfinished.
    As for Marikesh, Be sure to try the Coconut Macaroons from the street vendors, oh my! I was there in January of 1987.
    Enjoy and bring back lots of inspiration,

  20. Thank you all folks for visiting, i shall soon catch up with you all, each & every one x

    Falar Cedar, its lovely to "meet" you! x

  21. Such a beautiful picture Ruthie, I can't wait to see it finished :D Love your sculptures too :D

  22. Oh my word- Loving loving loving the drawing! She is so magical and beautiful .. and that ivy curling and winding- wonderful Ruthie. Loving the tiny sculptures too! The aren't done? Love them as they are!!!

    Can't wait to hear all about your trip! How inspiring!

  23. Beautiful blog- so glad to have found you.
    Johnina :^A

  24. On this Spring night I have made a wondrous discovery of your delightful blog. I have enjoyed frolicking through your beautiful space and love all your creations and amazing art, thank you.

    Have a glorious day. xxx

  25. Your maiden drawing is so romantic....and her flowing red hair makes me jealous! Maybe in my next lifetime... And I love all the hidden little creatures in the drawing and sculptured ones too : ) But I'm most excited to see a peek into your fabulous sketchbook... very intriquing and magical! And now you have us all on the edge of our seat about Marrakesh....we'll be waiting.....

  26. I soak up your gifts of art and words.

    Thank you.


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.