
June 11, 2013

A sparkle of magic in the air . . .

Things have been very busy around & about here lately,
so not a great deal of art has been made, but instead
lots of waitings & ponderings & travelling!
We drove down South and spent a few happy days pottering about,
climbing steps of the Glastonbury Tor,  & soaking up its magic.
Some say it is the home of the faerie King  "Gwyn ap Nudd"
 You  can feel the essence of folk who have walked there before you
We marvelled at the view, it was so windy up there, I nearly flew away!
 We meandered around the beautiful Chalice Well gardens
where flowers in full bloom danced in shaded corners
and people gathered to feel the peace of this ancient place.
We were enthralled by so many magical items on display
in the wonderfully named shops in the high street
and we sat & had delicious coffee & homemade cake in street cafes 
whilst we happily pondered some wonderful news & happenings. . .
because at last, after all  those months of waiting
we got to hold our brand new, tiny Grandaughter Freya in our arms
Mr O & I are very proud Grandparents indeed.
Oh the wonders of falling in love with a tiny brand new being!
x x x


  1. Looks like fun, someday I must got to Glastonbury... and so wonderful to have a new one in the family :)

  2. Fantastic news - we have 6 grandchildren now, but they're all so special. Fell in love with each one! Enjoy! XX

  3. Oh Ruthie.. congratulations! I'm really happy for you!
    Gorgeous photos of mom & babe & Glastonbury - what a magical place to grow up!

  4. Hee hee Deborah, you just made my day, thats me the Grannie holding babe x x

  5. Oh! How lucky you are to live in such a magical place! Freya is lucky to be born there. She's so beautiful! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful new granddaughter! I really love the name Freya X

  7. Congratulations Ruthie! Happiness!

  8. Oh, sweet congratulations.
    Beautiful name for the new one.

  9. Congrats on your wonderful new family member ! I do think you should buy Miss Freya that lovely carved castle in the shop window.

  10. Congratulations, Ruthie!

    I spent a strange and magical day in Glastonbury many years ago, just 24 and on my first trip to the UK. I climbed the Tor, and wandered around Chalice gardens too. I had the place to myself that day, and got to talking to a lady who was gardening there, a local volunteer I think. She told me that so many people come to Glastonbury, and come to the holy well, looking for something, magical or meaningful. As she was digging, she overturned a small piece of rock with an ammonite fossil in it. She handed it to me, telling me they turned up all over the place. And she said, " you'll find it at home you know, whatever it is, what you're looking for." She told me to keep the ammonite, and I still have it, and the memory of her very wise words.

  11. Congrats on your new grandbaby~ and thanks for sharing the lovely trip to Glastonbury! Love the wooden castle!! :))))0

  12. Congrats on your tiny bundle of joy Ruthie. I met up with my four last week and I'm amazed how much they've grown in a few months.

    That's a fabulous part of the world around there, a favourite for my Cheltenham lassies and their men. I haven't visited since my days in the military in the 1960's. Maybe I'll get to revisit.
    Lovely posting.

  13. Willow ~ I love that I have the excuse to buy things for our new wdition, wish I could afford the castle !!!

    Christina ~ what a wonderful story & wise words to hear tooo x

  14. What a wonderful little journey, especially the part about meeting your new grandchild!!

  15. I've enjoyed connecting with Glastonbury through your photos Ruthie.
    Wishing you years of love and beautiful connections with your granddaughter.


  16. Congratulations Ruthie!! xxxx


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