
May 07, 2013

Glen trool magic . . .

To walk in  Glentrool Forest is to walk in a place
that has the magic to soothe the soul & clear the mind.
Discoveries to be made include the martyr's grave tucked into the woods
with its tale from long ago of 6 Covenanters killed by soldiers
while they were holding a service in Caldoris Wood in January 1685. 
read more here (from pg 399)

Discovering the mist laden hills as they climb above the trees.
Sitting at their feet, beside the stillness of loch trool
simply being and hugging a warm cup of coffee,
was to be enveloped in a sense of peace & wonder
The quiet only broken by the call of geese as they circled overhead
and the breeze as it stirred green branches.
So much beauty, just on our doorstep!
Our walk took us on the circular route around glen trool
three hours later, we returned to the start feeling as though we
had emerged from another time & place and making
promises to return very soon to taste the magic again.


  1. How beautiful the mists of early spring are and of course, what landscapes. Lovely, Ruthie! xx

  2. How beautiful Ruthie, and how lucky you are to have it on your doorstep. More photos soon, please!

  3. How wonderful it looks Ruthie, I wish I could have been there too. Such a sad story of the Covenanters killed all those years ago for their faith. What tragedies there are, done in the name of God. But good that they are remembered in such a peaceful place.

    Hugs Jane

  4. How lovely! It really does look so magical!

  5. Absolutely beautiful scenery! What a wonderful walk.

  6. Beautiful Ruthie. The first time I took my twin daughters along to the tumbling Gairland burn was on a bright spring morning. They thought it was one of the most magical places they'd ever visited.

  7. one does expect a little magic with scenery like that... :))))

  8. ahhh, the beauty of our world through your lens and heart.


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