
January 16, 2013

Keeping a Happiness Book . . .

Many folks have asked me in times gone by, about my happiness book
so today,  I thought I would share snippets of the things it holds.
The hows & whys & wherefores of what makes it tick for me.
Kept in a jotter form, with the cover & inside pages decorated in collage,
for which I use delicious images I have collected over the years, 
 my precious happiness book is filled with much loveliness.
 Divided into sections, spirit, mind & body, it is an exciting place to go
& fills me with joy ~ my book of dreams & hopes & wishes.
Being a Virgo of course there are plenty of lists to peruse throughout.
Lists of  . . .
 "Things I love to do" & "Things I hope to do one day"
 "Films I want to see" & "Books I long to read"
"Things I hope to make" & "Places i can't wait to explore"
I have different sections for various things
for healthy living, for calm & peacefulness
for inspiring ideas for my own personal style.
It is filled too with favourite images & things
quotes & sayings & inspirational words.
I love my book!
A "Happiness Book" can remind you of hopes & dreams & possibilities
it can keep you on track when life gets so busy, hectic & difficult.
It is a book you can add to, a place to keep your deepest desires
and if nothing else it is at the very least a delightful "LookBook"!
Maybe you keep a Happy book, or something similar I would love to hear what,
perhaps you are inspired to give one a try? Do let me know if you do.

Of course, that isn't the only book I keep, I also have my delicious Journal
but I shall share the hows & whys of that another day.
Here's to making today a beautiful, happy day x


  1. What a delightful idea this is! I am a keeper of lists, but they tend to be on random scraps of paper, here and there! This is a wonderful thing; The ultimate list(s) and with photos (Could be illustrated too)...and they are all in one place! Good grief I must add making one of these to my list!
    Ohhh happy day! :)))))

  2. What a lovely idea! I've started - having been inspired by another blog - to do a weekly post of 'little things that make me happy' - but I think (although I'm only on week 2!!) I might discontinue it, as I think I'd like to be a bit looser - not constrained to 'reporting' on a regular basis. I try to be quite mindful anyway, but I don't want the mindfulness and then a recording of it to be a chore. I do keep various ideas books - for crafts, home, the garden, etc.

  3. This is such an inspiring idea I may just have to make one for myself Ruthie! :) I totally love this idea...especially if you kept a new one for each could track how much your ideas and views change over the years, you know?

    Thanks for sharing this bit of loveliness with us...


  4. Great post, Ruthie! I can't say that I'm as deliberate as you are about documenting the little things. Nonetheless, I live by and for them every day. As I like to say, those little spaces between our concerns & obligations are where wonder so often occurs.
    Keep up the good work, my friend!

  5. Anonymous16/1/13 18:53

    Truly an inspiring idea, and I love that you record this in such a motivating and uplifting way. At the moment I have a diary planner with all the things that am loving to do this year, and it changes from moment to moment. Also keep in tune with how I feel and what makes me happy in the moment by connecting and keeping close to me all the things that resonate. Love your blog and wish you a very Happy New Year :) xx

  6. Love it!
    I have a scrap book that I fill with things but it isn't neat... I want separate books for separate topics now! I will do this at the weekend.
    Much love.x

  7. Lovely!
    Sometimes I think this is why I blog... to keep a record of thoughtful happiness.

  8. Well I like this idea just fine. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Much neater than my many boxes of 'stuff'. I do keep small bound books of words that inspire, make me smile, touch my heart. Like the one you loved the other day...paint yourself a whole lot of colorful days.
    Is the round 'R' logo new? I LOVE it, very cool.
    Stay special, k

  10. What a lovely idea! Far better than just making random lists and leaving them around to be lost eventually... this is inspiring. Thanks, Ruthie.

  11. Melody ~ I like that “The ultimate list(s)”

    Vintage Tea Time ~ That’s just why I love my happiness book as it is looser and not so tying.

    AkasaWolfSong ~ I am tempted to do a new one every year ~ hmmmm, good idea! Ooh now I get to write my lists again lol

    Jeffrey ~ thank you. Love your ssaying and its so true!

    Ana ~ thank you, so lovely to hear how other folk record their thoughts etc
    Trish ~ Good luck, and enjoy. I looove making mine. Hope you shall share!
    Pamela Terry and Edward, good point, I guess my blog is an extension of my happiness book too!

    the wild magnolia ~ you’re very welcome.

    Kimberly ~ The logo was done last year as a commission.

    Soozcat ~ I was always losing my lists before I put them all in one place ;)

  12. I can have six of the first ten things on your 'Love to Do' list Ruthie.
    Your posts are always uplifting though.They seem to thaw the winter chill.

  13. What a wonderful idea. I've got a mood board in my workshop but that's always so crammed with stuff. The rest is scraps of paper and cuttings floating about and disappearing. I think, I'm going to start on Journal myself. Looks like a great way of self-motivation. Thanksxx

  14. What a fantastic idea; A Happiness Book. Must start one for myself right away! : )


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