
January 18, 2013

Jennie Ashmore ~ natural patchwork

There are so many wonderful artists & makers here in Scotland 
and more closer to home in Dumfries & Galloway
So I decided every now & again to share the work of some of my favourites!
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Early last year I had the pleasure of seeing the glowing works
of Dumfries & Galloway based artist Jennie Ashmore.
who's love for texture & pattern shines through her work.
Each piece is a delicate layer upon layer of collage
made entirely from carefully placed leaves, flowers & greenery.
 Jennie collects her treasures from the local woodlands, fields & gardens
in and around her home here in South West Scotland.
 I spend a happy age wandering from piece to piece 
taking in the depth and colour and detail
 each new work like a glorious ancient patchwork quilt.
Do have a peep at her website here


  1. Oh, wow - I'm knocked out by her work - it's really beautiful - delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is simply fabulous! I used to be a real fan of Penny Black, but this is something else!x

  3. These are gorgeous works of art, Ruthie and I'm so happy you shared them. :) I'll go take a peep at her site.

    Blessings on the Gentle Winds!

  4. What beautiful work, thank you for sharing

  5. these are each so lovely
    thank you for sharing them

    lovely weekend to you and yours~

  6. These are just gorgeous, Ruthie! I imagine if they were indeed patchwork quilts, and the joy of snuggling up under them!


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