
January 09, 2009

reflections . . .

as always, these long nights & short dark days
they come a creeping up on me and here i sit
my yearning for bright daylight increasing
it keeps me sane & sensible, hale & healthy
and yet i love the wintery light & reflections

in the kitchen, the last of our christmas candles
give a warm & homely glow

in the bedroom, fragile egyptian perfume bottles
sparkle in frosty early morning sun

in the bathroom, minature mirrored mosaics
cast myriad patterns dancing over the walls
in the living room, twinkling stars
catch flickering flames from the cosy fire

oh . . . you caught me

reflecting, with a glass of wine ,
on this first week back . .
does christmas seem so long gone already to others too?


  1. These are beautiful images Ruthie. Your home looks so warm and inviting! Christmas always seems to shoot past so quickly back into time.x

  2. January does smell to sparkle, doesn't it? The ice, snow, candlelight...all under that huge moon that's hanging up there this very night!! Wait, let me get a glass...I'll join you!

  3. Lovely piccies; I agree January has just sped by!

  4. Christmas seems ages ago! (but again I've finished painting two books since then... Really long working days make time's passage feel really strange...)

    Lovely, sparkly images! That is one way to get in your allotment of light! Soon enough the sun will be helping as well.


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