
January 04, 2009

back to work . . .

today we sat & drank hot cups of tea & chatted
walked woodland paths & laughed at coco antics
had a thoroughly relaxing day, but. . big sighs . .
today was the very last day of our christmas hols
so tomorrow it's back to work & school & business
when this day comes around i always feel a little sad
of course life goes on & so does the big wide world
this same day just a short while ago it seems
26 years ago in fact, i first became a Mom
happy birthdays & huge hugs & buckets of love
are sent over the many miles to my lass


  1. Heartfelt; hope it is not too difficult to meet up occasionally.

  2. Thanks so much for your visit and sweet comment! I have so enjoyed browsing through your beautiful blog! Edward and I shall return!!

  3. A lovely piccie of your daughter. Hope she had a lovely birthday ... :0)

  4. Anonymous8/1/09 20:54

    I always feel the need to say Congratulations! to a mum, when her child has a birthday...

    Ruthie, I have tagged you, should you wish to participate, please, check my blog.

  5. Oh its horrid going back...but when you get there it's ok!!!
    What a beautiful photograph, you must be missing her so much, I hope she has a lovely day...and you too.
    Glad you like January xxx
    Hugs Lynn xx

  6. thank you Lee, meet up whenever we can & as always it is worth the waiting. Pamela & Edward, thank you so for your kind comments, that means so much!. Shirl, she is a sweetie, but then i am a little biased x. red2white, thankyou! how exciting, i shall have to think about it a little first, but yes please x Lynn thank you, it wasn't so very bad, as always its the thought. xx wishing you all a wonderful weekend, *ruthie*

  7. (ah, she is beautiful!)


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.