
April 12, 2021

A Spring painting and re-connecting with creativity

 Spring is finally springing here in this beautiful corner of Galloway, Scotland and what a welcome relief it is. There are treasures peeping up in the garden and the hedgerows, sure signs that mother earth is waking up again, promises of new life and things to come.

In my previous post, way back in July last year, I mentioned changes I had made in my life and my move back to the garden studio, as I tried to re-connect with my creative self  in the hope that my inspiration for painting would finally reappear. I had no idea back then if I would ever feel like picking up my brushes again, it was a rather scary place to be. 

I can look back now over the last 3-4 years and remember some of the wonderful collaborations and projects I have been lucky enough to work on, but I also see I kept saying 'yes' to everything that came my way, and in the end the price for doing that was complete 'creative burn out', (I don't really like that saying, but can't think of anything else so fitting), and that awful feeling of being totally disconnected from all the things that inspired me in my work. 

So, Spring has a very special feel to it this year, for I feel I am waking up again too, coming back to myself and the things that inspire. I have spent my days immersed in the things I love doing, taking long walks and visiting old haunts (as much as we are allowed just now), reading treasured books, re-discovering my love of knitting, watching favourite movies, family history research, working in the garden and rekindling my joy of taking photographs.

Then for Valentines Day my lovely hubby (who has been so wonderful encouraging and supporting me every step of the way), brought me this scrumptious set of  Coliro Finetec Mica pearl and shimmer watercolour paints,  and suddenly I couldn't wait to get into the studio to try them.

So at long last I am seeing inspiration all around again and can feel the magic rising. My fingers are tingling to pick up my pencils and brushes, and my sketchbook which has sat dormant for many months, is beginning to find little creatures, Spring blossoms and gnarly trees scribbled on its pages again.

And this happened . . . 

 . . . the beginnings of the Spring painting to accompany the Summer and Autumn set! I will share progress in my next post, and hope to have her finished by then.

I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to be creating again, and feeling much more like my old self. I really hope I have learnt my lesson and will take time to listen to my heart when it tells me to pace myself and consider what it is I truly want/need to be doing.   

I wonder what do you do to re-connect, recharge, or even keep from taking on too much? 


  1. Isn't it an almost indescribable feeling, that joy or rediscovering all the creative parts of one's self -- putting pen or paint to paper, seeing something appear from what was moments before a plain white page; something with beauty, line, color and eloquence. Oh, I'm so thrilled you have discovered this part of yourself again.

    Your metallics are fabulous. I need another bit of paint like a hole in the head but these are sorely tempting! And so, too, if your work. I am so very eager to see more.

    Spring has awakened here in Michgan, USA. I just posted some of the loveliness I saw yesterday and of course we are still early. The color and new life of spring can simply take my breath away and after so many months of being inside, it is more than welcome.

    A side note -- I noticed you are (I think) in Dumfrieshire. Recently we have been doing genealogical research into Rick's family, discovering the Scots part of his heritage (which he never knew about). Many are from that region of Scotland (with rather sketchy histories in the 1600s!). Who knows, perhaps one day I'll see your lovely area in person. Not soon, but you never know.

    1. Jeanie, yes you are so right, it is a wonderful feeling at last when creativity strikes again. Oh yes, those metallic paints, but they are sumptuous, I had resisted them for ages, and was so excited to open them as a gift!

      How exciting that you have been able to trace your family tree and so far back. Genealogy is a passion of mine and I love it when the tiny clues add up to a find. Well, if you are ever here, I shall 'put the kettle on' and we can have a good old catch up over a cup of tea.

      I agree Spring is very welcome indeed, I love seeing each new sign of it as I go on my daily wanderings down the lane.

  2. SO glad to see this inspiring message from you. I have delighted in your work for many years now, and look forward to more wonderful images. When I first started following your blog you were sharing the works of others and introduced me (and other followers) to many exceptionally talented people, but it was always your drawings that I loved the most. Listen to that inner voice that tells you what to do and what not to do. I think burn-out is the worst thing that can happen to a creative soul. Take care, Ruthie.

    1. Dear Marilee, thank you, I truly intent to listen to my inner voice now as I so don't want to loose my connection to my creativity again. Roll on plenty of painting from now on :) x

  3. Your photos and art are so beautiful. I do hope you will post again. I would love to follow you! Now it is fall and I'm wondering where that inspiration will take you! I suspect to lovely places. I hope you are well.


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.