
July 21, 2017

It's Friday!

Yay, it's Friday, it's been a long and busy week in the studio working on some new creations I am excited to share very soon.

 I wonder what adventures the weekend will bring - a visit to see Whithorn Art trail, doing some work on our 'in progress' Summer House and hopefully a long soak in a bubbly bath with my newest book!

I wonder what does the weekend bring for you?


  1. this weekend? I know we have lots on our to do list but I suspect most of that will have to wait a while coz we are going to start assembling a summer house in the garden - my new 'studio' I can't wait! (hope the rain plays nicely and stays away!)

  2. Yay, snap, that's what we have been doing this last while as well, Im so excited! How lovely that it will be your new studio too! Hope to see pics of iT. PS: I'm happy to tell you that I pulled all the names together from Fb, Instagram here etc for the giveaway, and it was your name that came out of the hat, so you are the winner of the bunting giveaway. If you can private message me your address I can send it on :) x


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.