
September 22, 2014

Nature's Treasures and a birthday giveaway . . . .

 On darkening Autumnal evenings as I have wandered lane & shore
I have come across some wondrous treasures, tiny hidden gifts waiting to be found.
Gloriously patterned stones, like some ancient artifact that fit snugly into the palm of my hand.
 Beautiful heart shaped slate, painted with many hues in the evening light
 a delicate blown thistle, perhaps a miniature faerie pompadour wig
A stem washed up on the shore, such an intricate piece of sculpture .
All gifts from Mother Nature to amaze and astound.
And speaking of gifts, well I have one right here.
It was my birthday very recently, such an Autumn girl am I.
 I felt it would be the perfect time to hold a giveaway. The prize is one of my new range of personalised A3 Blessing tree prints.  They are the perfect way to record special family events, make wonderful gifts and can be adapted to suit many occasions: births, christenings, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries.

To enter, leave a comment below telling me which is your favourite season of the year and why.
I shall pull a name from the hat and announce a winner on Monday 29th September.

You can find the full range of blessing trees on my website 


  1. Wonderful stones, Ruthie! There are tiny spirals on them! I love all the seasons, but being a person who loves color, Autumn in New England is really beyond astonishing EVERY single year.

    1. I thought of you when Mr O gave me these stones, they remind me of some of your spiral paintings x

  2. Gorgeous and precious finds Ruthie....I loved each one of them. Here in Southern Wisconsin the Autumn leaves and colors are just starting to favorite time of the year! Hopefully I can do some wondering too very soon.

  3. que de beaux trésors, merci pour ce partage

  4. Hello Ruthie,
    really wonderful pictures! Especially the stem is something really special. You won't find equal here in Bavaria. Regarding your giveaway here my answer about my favourite season:

    I love the winter and the rough nights because I'm born during them. As a child every year from Novenber on I stood secretly in the night by the window and waited for the first snow - to the despair of my mother. I still catch myself that I get up in the night in November to check whether it snowed. For me the winter has a special charm. But I love all seasons, each with its irresistible mysticism which you should learn with all your senses.

  5. Belated birthday wishes!!
    I love your beautiful stones with their wonderful patterns!
    I love Spring!

  6. Sorry I missed your birthday Ruthie I hope you had a wonderful day. :) When I saw the photo of the pebbles I thought you'd painted them! Stunning pictures, I especially love the one of the blown thistle. Beautiful family tree paintings!
    Jess xx

  7. Lovely pictures Ruthie, I love those pebbles. They should be in the Gem Rock Museum. I can't resist a nice stone as my too big collection shows.

    I love all the seasons, but snow and ice come top with me. Nothing comes close to frozen water sculptures.

  8. Very well observed sights and super photos Ruthie. Lovely to see

  9. Autumn; I was born on a Wednesday in October, like a seed cast willy-nilly under the opulent leaves. Potential in waiting. And my mother named me Hazel, as the asplendent Harvest sun lit all the shells of my fruits. Autumn reminds us to let go; a reminder to surrender. As a creative farer, an artist, we carry this emblem to continue yielding to the Divine, allowing its imagery to flow through us, as rain through Autumn moss.
    With Gratitude,
    Hazel Lightfoot

    1. Haxel, I love your thoughts on Autumn and hope you don't mind that I shared them. I so look forward to the letting go x

  10. Happy Birthday Ruthie! Better late than never :)
    Love those patterned stones..


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