
August 08, 2013

Kirkcudbright Art & Craft trail & stories . . .

What a whirlwind of a few days Kirkcudbrights 10th art & craft trail was.
A wonderful weekend filled with perfect weather, the sun shining all the way. 
(me & some of my work at the Tolbooth)
 We loved our space upstairs in the Tolbooth, with its beautiful old stone walls,
plenty of light & the doves that serenaded us daily outside the window.
(Mom ~ Jean Redden & her paintings)

Mom & I spent Thursday setting up, I had 1corner of the room & she the other,
Mom paints wonderful landscapes of the surrounding countryside, flora & fauna.
The doors opened on Friday morning for 4 days of visitors and my did we have plenty of interested folk & interesting conversations.   I am ever fascinated by the stories my work evokes in the people who connect with it.  One lady stopped at my dandelion clock painting and shared a lovely story it reminded her of.  When she was small her Grandad told her  dandelions were called "bus clocks" he would tell her to blow the dandelion to see what time the faerie bus was coming along. How lovely!
(I did manage to persuade my Galloway Faeries to attend!)

 I had some fascinating conversations with children (such imagination) about making art & stories & creating.  One lovely sharing was the wee 4yr old who told me "I'm an artist you know".  When i asked her what she painted she replied "I paint things like this (with huge sweeps of her little arms) and then people have to decide what it looks like" ~ what a sweetie. 
( some of my woodland sculptures & a selkie)
 As we packed away at the end of the 4th day I decided I was happily exhausted in the nicest possible way, felt I could sleep for a week and was grinning from ear to ear from the loveliness of it all.
A huge thank you to each & every one of you who took the time to pop by the exhibition over the 4 days ~ you all helped make it a most amazing event. So many fascinating connections, conversations & new exciting possibilities have come from it.

 Now I have much catching up to do & blog reading & visiting so I'm off for a well earned rest.  Have a lovely rest of the week folks.


  1. what a lovely exhibition and so nice that people shared their stories with you!

    The arts and crafts trail seems to always be an inspiring event, I was there the year before last.

  2. It all looks lovely! Glad you and Jean had a wonderful time - I am intending to get down to see everything on Fridy or Sat. I have lost 4lbs over the trail! Running up and down steps with cream teas!!!
    Well done

  3. lovely to see photos of your work 'en masse'. Looks such a great space for you & your mum to be in... so glad you've had a great few days :-)

  4. Beautiful work, indeed! You are both very talented. And what a lovely exhibition space.

  5. Your work and your mother's work looks gorgeous! When I saw this pic on FB I didn't realise it was you. Gosh you look half your age! Well done on all the hard work, it really looks so lovely.xx

    1. heee hee awww thank sJess, wish i felt it x

  6. The Tollbooth would have been a perfect setting for yours and Jean's art Ruthie.
    I see Sandy (Witterings) paid you a visit. I missed the fair again this year, I must make a choice to go next year.
    By the looks of the work you put in you deserve your rest, enjoy it.

  7. What a great "stall" you had Ruthie !
    Hope you sold a lot of your lovely items !

    (Ha: mother and daughter have the same smile ;-) !)

    1. Thank you, we did really well and met so many lovely folk. Same smiles, oh so we do, well spotted x

  8. What a gifted pair of ladies! Your Mom's paintings look wonderful, and all of your work is exquisite! I LOVE the Selkie :)
    Glad you had such a lovely time!
    (p.s. I'm off to Cornwall in the morning yay)

  9. It looks like a gorgeous exhibition, all the hard work was certainly worth it. You and your mum should be so proud of yourselves. :-)

  10. Wow..what a super beautiful post..your art and creations look so beautiful and dazzling..such a wonderful place..your displays are stunning! And so touching to hear your special conversations with kids..wonderful!
    Always a joy to visit your beautiful realm!
    Shine on!
    Blessings and Sparkles kindred

  11. Oh I agree your art and all the things you have created are just awesome!

  12. Anonymous28/9/13 13:19

    Gorgeous work Ruthie, looks like you had a wonderful time ... :0)


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