
November 06, 2012

Family traditions, bonfire night

I do so love family traditions.
Like our Redden family bonfire night get together.
Every year we all gather together at one or another of our houses
 (as many as of us that can make it, for we are spread far & wide)
 Sharing the warmth of the crackling bonfire & sparkling fireworks
Eating the homemade goodies that everyone brings to munch.
Catching up chatter and laughter and swapping the stories of our days.
There is something very special about the coming together
at this end of the darkening year, sharing warmth & food.

This year we even had an extra visitor,
Amy noticed the fire monster, see top left!


  1. What a lovely night you had for it too, Ruthie!!! Lovely memories for your family to keep close to their hearts
    Margaret x

  2. a delight to hear of the traditions and share the pictures. yes, a monster, seems to be give a greeting.

  3. Love the fire monster!!!

  4. That is one amazing fire monster, he's almost real.
    A Reddens Reunion sounds like a great get together,looks like you had a hoolie !

  5. Love that tradition! And I am grateful you are safe from the monster! ;)


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