
January 16, 2012

Waking up to a new year . . .

As the tired old year drew to its last few quiet hours
It was time to remember & to say fond farewells,
to be thankful for the many magical moments we had shared.
 Time to reminisce over different paths my feet had wandered, 
here and there and back again!  Paths that led to  . . .
my becoming fully self employed & my very own boss!
To a new wee cottage tucked amongst the Galloway hills.
To discovering so many wonderful & new like minded souls
who taught me how to grow and led me off on new adventures.
To my finding at long last, my quiet space within.
A year filled with many lessons learnt. 
I woke sleepy eyed into 2012, wanting to savour this new beginning,
this year in which i am 50, I never thought I would look forward to that!
But I do and I am. I have planned out my years goals for home, work & play.
I have happily polished up my business plan, until it almost glows!
 Finally I am ready, fingers itching, to tumble back into my studio.
So, I'm here, I'm ready as I will ever be.  Its good morning to you 2012!
I look forward to getting to know you so very much better.
May we become the best of friends. I am hopeful & excited too!
I wonder what magic you will begin to reveal!
Oh, i almost forgot, but however could I!
A very new wee soul came into our lives just before Christmas
a tiny pup who we already adore. Here to meet you, is Poppy!
(Can you imagine my delight when I discovered her 
pedigree kennel name is Lady of Magic! It was meant to be)

Here's to filling each & every day with love & hope & happiness.
*  *  * 
Do you remember my mentioning the Essence of Wild 
 bare foot breathing course I loved? Just in case some of you may be interested
there is a a new course starting very soon,  you can find the details here


  1. such a lovely post Ruthie.
    how wonderful that 5o feels good to you, it did to me too - 3 years ago. something special about that age, something rich and significant. so lovely to see all your feet and your sweet magical Poppy! Wishing you a new year that feels wonderful to you!

  2. Ah Ruthie - what a wonderful post and just what I needed to read this dreary Irish morning before I head off to work. My spirit is duly lifted! And Poppy - how gorgeous is she? I just know 2012 will be so special...Happy Monday morning to you my friend! ~Siobhan xo

  3. I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you. Your new little friend is gorgeous, I'm sure she'll bring you a great deal of pleasure.

  4. Happy to hear there are so many positive and lovely things brightening your world! Thank you, also, for the inspirational words regarding 50. (I will be saying hello to that number myself next month.)

  5. Congratulations on becoming your own master Ruthie, I know so many who need to get there and are finding their way gradually. Lovely montages again, thank you for sharing them AND it's good to know I'm not the only one turning 50 this year... :)
    All the best to you and yours,

  6. Hey Ruthie
    Really enjoyed this post and beautiful photo's. I've got two more years till I'm fifty and I too am quite looking forward to it. Life didn't begin at forty for me so hoping fifty will be better :)I hope fifty will bring you lots of Happiness, Health and lots of Magic. Poppy is adorable....
    Bright Blessings to you and yours
    Julie xx

  7. Happy New Year to you as well :)) And Poppy is adorable :)) (i used to have a cat called Poppy).

    I was 50 in 2010 and I have to say I am enjoying this decade of life so far, I feel happier in myself and more settled than I ever have :)

  8. All the very best to you ruthie.... poppy looks gorgeous, i can see her thinking 'what can i get up to next?'!

  9. Anonymous16/1/12 13:25

    Such wonderful pictures !!!
    I love you new puppy and I think the name is just magical. I love the name Poppy, just like a little fairy ; )
    Have a magical day !!

  10. I feel your enthusiasm! Abundant and inspirational year to you.... and is Poppy a wired haired fox terrier? Can't quite see her fully being tucked into the cloth. If so, I grew up with one very sweet one. What fun - Lady of Magic.

  11. Love your days collected in these images. Poppy is adorable. I join you in celebrating birthday #50 this year!

    Thanks for all you share, the info and link. I may take this course.

  12. Beautifully and inspirational written Ruthie. I'm joining the 50 gang too this year :-)

  13. A beautiful post, Ruthie. Wishing you even more magic in this extra special year. Much love xx

  14. Anonymous16/1/12 20:02

    I love new beginnings, and I love imaging at the start of each year what things might happen (I'm never right - life is so full of twists!).

    Best wishes for 2012.

    (And Poppy looks like a proper sweetie!)

  15. Ahh, Poppy is adorable. And what a cute name!


  16. A happy 2012 to you Ruthie,and may Poppy make your year even more magical.

  17. Happy New Year, Ruthie!
    So lovely to see you back blogging again and thank you for your FB messages. I will be in touch again soon. ;-)
    I think 2012 is going to be a magical time for you creatively and it was great to hear about your new project. Such fun!
    January is really a slow month, so I can understand that you wanted to take things easy after Christmas and gently move into the New Year.
    As always, you take such beautiful photos and I'm totally in love with Poppy. She has the cutest wooly face! ;-))

    Fairy Blessings and Love,
    Jo. xx

  18. A very Happy new Year to you ruthie and to little Poppy. What an adorable addition. Always love your photos.

  19. So different to my Poppy dog! but so cute, with that sparkle in her eye.

  20. Gorgeous photos Ruthie and your new website looks lovely. Poppy's very sweet, I'm sure she'll bring lots of fun to your year!
    Jess xx

  21. Anonymous21/1/12 12:25

    I read all these things, and felt happy for you. From what you've said via blogging you've worked hard for all these things, they wont have just happened. BTW I love the look of Poppy & you have nice toes! I will be sixty this year. I am not sure how I feel about that. Perhaps I shall say I turn 50 this year too . . .

  22. Oh Poppy, what a little joy you are!
    May this years journey be as fruitful as last years... maybe even a bigger harvest. Happy trails and much creativity to you in your wee cottage!

  23. Wishing you every success with your business and Poppy is just gorgeous!! Great name too :):) xx

  24. Ohmygosh. I am so in love with your work and your blog! I can't wait to take more in. Just beautiful.

    And a pup! I happen to be getting my very first one on Friday, and suddenly I'm seeing them everywhere. Hurray for puppies! And Poppy is a lovely name xoxo

  25. Hello dear treasures, thank you for all your wonderful wishes.

    Tammie - I love how you describe reaching 50 as rich & significant, that's just what it feels like, so exciting.

    Rowan - little Poppy makes me smile each & every day.

    Lisa, half centurians, i do like that! ;-)

    Lisa, Donna, Della & Helen - We might have to plan something wonderful for this year when we reach our magic number. Any ideas ladies. x

    So glad you love Poppy, she just looked such a wee cutie with her furry face, she couldn't be called anything else.

    Valerianna, yes she is a wire fox terrier, she has taken to sitting leaning up against my feet when i am in the kitchen & gets lost under my skirts!

    I am catching up and shall visit you all very soon x

  26. Congratulations Ruthie!!! Being your own boss is a wonderful way to live! You sound so happy and full of promise, I wish you such wonderful magic this year, and your pup is adorable!
    Congratulations on turning 50, quite the mile stone isn't it? That big day is one year away for me. How I would love to honor it with a trip to one of my favorite places in the world... Scotland!
    The best of blessings to you!

  27. Hi Ruthie, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  28. I have been off of Blogger for sometime and have a lot of catching up to do. Have just met Poppy! She is adorable .... so want her. And more photos of her as she takes over your life. x


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.