
August 31, 2011

Abriachan Forest & tiny houses . . .

Such a magical place we discovered 
tiny wooden houses tucked amongst the trees
( child sized & perfect) 
a loo with a heather covered roof!  
 a rainbow of patterned bird boxes & wooden hangings 
made in the forest school classroom
Gruffalo houses for tiny folk
(I so wanted to crawl in)
and my favourite the round house, 
a Celtic bronze age dwelling made from stone, hazel & reeds
(i just had to sit inside & let my imagination fly) 

"In 1998 the community purchased 534 hectares of forest and open hill ground from Forest Enterprise.  Since then, as a social enterprise, the Abriachan Forest Trust has managed this land to  create local employment, improve the environment and encourage it's enjoyment by the public through  a network of spectacular paths, family suited mountain bike trails and innovative education  opportunities." 

 A wonderful project with such exciting teaching and learning opportunities for all.

It took me back to remembering. . .
childhood hours playing in the forest near grandma's house
the smell of damp earth, the feel of raindrops through the trees
and the memory of all things foresty x


  1. Magical indeed ~ what a wonderful concept! Perfect forest-y fun :~)

  2. Magical is absolutely the best word to describe this lovely place. I feel more relaxed just looking at the photos, and can only imagine how lovely it must be to walk among the trees in the footsteps of ancient folk. Beautiful!

  3. Enchanting!

    Thank you, for sharing.

  4. I want the heather coated one. As usual, lovely photos. I create a calming place to visit, ruthie.

  5. I love them all! A grass roof makes any building seem a bit magical! ;-) What a wonderful place!

  6. What a beautiful & magical place! I love the round house and the little gruffalo houses :)

  7. Oh to be tiny again! xx

  8. Oh wow! I wish I could come play. Truly enchanting.

  9. Love this! I want to crawl in too!
    My sister and I used to play in the trees across the road from our house growing up. My sister would make a pully (don't know how to spell that!) to bring things up into the trees. So fun. These photos bring out my inner child (and forrest fairy!)

  10. Hi, I have awarded your blogspot a Sunshine Award, please pop over to my space to collect it :) x

  11. What a magical place for children and adults alike!

  12. Anonymous10/9/11 06:45

    I love places like this. Bits of nature set aside and developed in a respectful manner in which people can truly absorb all that nature has to share. I believe that we are capable of doing this with ALL of the land that we inhabit, but we are simply not yet at the point of caring that much.

    What magical little buildings and treasures you found here. I love the restroom, what better way to dress up such a building!

  13. How cool are these?! magical! and fun!

  14. LOOOOVE these little hideaways! What an enchanting place. I'm going to be in London for two days the beginning of January...any suggestions of magical places I shouldn't miss? (Will be heading to a wedding in Copenhagen...)

  15. oh to be wild and free - to seek nature and listen... just listen. Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  16. fairytale forest and magic words...


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