
April 26, 2011

away & back again & a hare here & there . . .

I have been away forever, for we have been a-settling into our newest wee home!    
 One  with wide open spaces & views, space to breathe & breathtaking big skies.   
Such a feeling of peace & quiet we have discovered here  away from it all.
The loveliness of it all still hasn't quite sunk in yet 
Surrounded by forest & the Galloway hills, the sea just a stones throw away,
 we have been watching the weather rolling in across the distant hills,
have been discovering faeries hidden in the woods, can you see above
 (whoever lived here before loved these wee folk too, they are dotted about).
 Deer greet us as we drive up the lane & a woodpecker feeds in the garden,
So many butterflies & bees already & a huge big hare who lives in the field .
Several new hares have entered into our home too
 i want to share the work of 2 artists whom i greatly admire.
My wooden hare (below) was made by the lovely Karen Davies,
who's work I 1st discovered in my early blogging days.
Her magical blog "Moonlight & Hares"
is filled with lovely images,  paintings & such soothing music.
A while ago, whilst looking for treasures for faerietale blog,   
I came across the amazing work of the "Hairy Growler". 
Lez lovingly fashions treasures from old silver coins & spoons, 
  it is re-cycling at its very best & so much to choose from!   
After much deciding I bought my Hare necklace (see above)  
 I love the added personal touches Lez includes,
 like Mr O & my initials engraved on the back of the hare.
There is so much more  I have to share, like . . .
all the new & exciting arty happenings but i shall save that till next time,
I leave you with this photo, Mom has a hare that visits here beautiful garden often
and now tucked away there, "almost" out of sight is this tiny leverette.
So lovely to be back x
(ps: I was finally brave enough to upgrade to new blogger
& now you can click on the images to view them larger)


  1. It looks absolutely gorgeous :)Love all the hares as well.

  2. It looks a magical place to settle Ruthie. Wishing you warmth, peace and happiness in your new home. xx
    Thanks for linking to me too :) x

  3. I do like to see hares about. Unfortnately the last time I was wandering around fields looking for cup and ring markings, the local hare seemed to have developed an instinct for knowing when my camera was in it's bag!
    I must get round and find your shop the next time I'm back.

  4. I passed by on Sunday Ruthie,unfortunately we'd not enough time (Delayed by ice cream at the Cream O'Galloway)to call.
    Pleased to see you settling in to your new home.Wonderful surroundings.

  5. It's so good to have you back and to see that you're enjoying your new home!!
    Beautiful view.

  6. It looks just gorgeous Ruthie, such a beautiful and peaceful place to live!

  7. Wonderful to see where you are, Ruthie! I hope you'll share more so we can really get the visual tour. Love the hare's and that you have the wide open spaces you were craving, it looks enchanting.

    Abundant spring blessings in your new home.

  8. Happy new home! It looks like a wonderful place to live!x

  9. How exciting and very, very beautiful!

  10. Glad you're back - I love your posts! Your new place looks wonderful! Enjoy. Abby x

  11. Oh such beauty! Your new place sounds just lovely. Always happy to hear from you whenever you have a post. I love Moonlight and Hares too! Her foxes make me so happy. I hope you had a wonderful Easter! Enjoy your beautiful new space!

  12. Anonymous28/4/11 14:57

    Lovely enchanting new home! A place for your imagination to soar... The artist mentioned I've been to the one blog and your right it's magical, very talented people here along with yourself. My son has always been a fan of rabbits he believes they are his guides! I hope you had a wonderful Easter.
    Happy Thursday,

  13. Yea for you Ruthie!! Your place sounds absolutely delightful! I would be right at home!!! Please do greet the faeries for me.
    I also wanted to say how I agree so much with your comments about "the movable feast". An aspect you address that I didn't is how we choose the parts of ourselves that we share with the world. Yes so much of what we show seems to only be the good and lovely parts however these are the aspects of myself that I consciously choose to amplify. This is the best of me and even though like you I fall into the abyss of depression and self doubt from time to time this is only a passing thing and I even though I try to embrace it and acknowledge that it is a part of my life . The things I love about my life, that feed my soul and my art are the good, beautiful and thoughtful things. This is what I choose to share in an effort to become these things even more.
    Such deep stuff but how fun! Thank you for adding to the good, beautiful and lovely things in the world with your blog. I do so enjoy it!

  14. Your new home looks captivating. I love that you put your family and the precious things before blog and business. I find my artful self and my family self in a constant struggle to find balance. Thank you for all the sweet inspiration!

  15. Ruthie, your new home looks like a dream come true! Congratulations!

    I was just here yesterday looking for you and went further and found your very beautiful 'a faerietale of inspiration' and indeed it is; sensational!

    Love the little hare sitting on your windowsill.

    Hugs from Oz,

  16. What a wonderful place to be, you are sure to be inspired daily to create wonderful things! I love my life in the country side, surrounded by the sounds of nature and the scent of the woods.... and you have the scent of the sea.

  17. How wonderful to be in such a place, all that beauty to feed your soul.

    I also have one of Karen's wooden hares in my studio!

    I almost missed that sweet little leveret, so well hidden.

  18. Such lovely surroundings you have, Ruthie! I wish you many, many years of happiness in your magical new home.

  19. Ruthie! How exciting! Congratulations-what a beautiful enchanting place! The sea is just a stones throw away and you have forest and hills?! I can see why you lots of artsy things going on. How inspiring!
    Blessings and light to you!

  20. Thank you dear folks for all your lovely wishes, we are settling in just fine. Visiting you all soon x x

  21. I'm envious of your beautiful spot on this Earth. Your pictures are beautiful!!

  22. The countryside around your new home looks beautiful - but the most wonderful thing is the photo of the leveret! How marvellous to have this in the garden, your Mom is fortunate indeed.

  23. Wishing you every happiness in your new home, it sounds perfect close to the sea and surrounded by beautiful countryside. Lots to inspire your beautiful work and more of your wonderful photographs. Millyx


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.