
September 14, 2010

hibernation & hunting . . .

It's been so long since i was here last
and oh how I have missed you all!
But I have felt such a need, these past weeks
just to sit quietly, to listen & to watch.
My precious inspiration went into hibernation.
It was i think, waiting for the dust of hectic summer
to settle back into place, before peeping out again!
Whilst the sun was still high in the bright blue sky,
we went a-hunting for my inspiration.
Along the way discovering such heart lifting delights as
ancient Celtic carvings at Tullie House,
hilltop carvings at Dalbeattie &Kirroughtree,
we hiking over the patchwork, heather strew hills,
hunting & found these glorious scottish landscapes
that stretched as far as our eyes could see,
one season has rolled into the next, now it is begun
the wonderful dusky change of hues that is,
my absolute favourite of them all, Autumn.
I am at last, feeling refreshed & full of ideas again
i have found my old, dear friend, my inspiration!
So i am away to pick up my dusty paintbrushes
but just before i go
i just have to share the utmost highlight of my days.
The picture above shows just a few of the delights
i discovered at the wonderful & delicious exhibition
my precious Mr O took me to see
( i wish you could have come too!)
"The truth about faeries"

oh my, i have so much catching up to do with you all !
x x x


  1. Beautiful magic photos as always. I'm so happy for you that you found your inspiration. I'm hoping mine is just around the bend hiding in a pile of golden leaves... Happy creating!

  2. Such beautiful images! I'm so glad you returned from your travels, and your visit with the faeries, long enough to show them to us. Don't rush inspiration, she seems to be quite fickle for many of us lately.

  3. Anonymous23/9/10 20:12

    The end of the summer was hard for many of us this year, I don't know why. Maybe it was the mystical moon at work, playing tricks :) Your local travels into the heart of things though is an inspiration to us all. Thanks, Ruthie. And what a marvelous exhibition on Faeries, so sorry to have missed it!

  4. Such truly beautiful photos, each and everyone one of them. I would love to go exploring, dreaming, absorbing all in these same places! I also would have loved 'The truth about Faeries', so very magical.

  5. I was missing you, So glad your back and recharged, what a lovely selection of photos you have taken this summer.

  6. So glad to see you back Ruthie. I've been feeling it too, a kind of weariness, a lack of inspiration and motivation. The world getting in the way between me and my source. Sometimes it's hard to hold onto the slender thread that keeps us connected to that inner truth.

  7. Each of these images is beautiful on it's own, but together they paint a stunning picture!

  8. Hi Ruthie,

    I love Scotland in the fall. Everytime I've been there, it's been in the fall (Oct.& Nov.)as it's the cheapest time to travel there. I also love the art of Brian Froud, such an inspiration!


  9. Good to see you back. Your muse will never forsake you xJ

  10. It's so important to take time ... go within ... and refill the well. Good for you! Sometimes we forget to do these things are are running on empty.

    Beautiful images of the sea ... and berries and stone! And I think I must have been a fairy in past life! I just can't seem to get enough of their magical images! They speak to some mysterious deep place within ... can't quite explain it.

    Anyway! It's wonderful to "see" you Ruthie!

  11. Ruthie,
    Your photography is beautiful and I love your blog. (And I love the UK--I'm from the U.S.) It is fun to see your inspiration and creations. I, too, have embarked on my own journey of inspiration and creation!

  12. Hello Ruthie, so glad you've recharged your batteries :) and have brought to us your fabulous photography of your wanderings, so artfully put together, as usual! ♥a

  13. sometimes its just lovely to be at peace and take time out...i hope you enjoyed it x i love the images!
    i hope you had a magical time ;0)
    sorry ive been bad at commenting on peoples blogs- but i often visit you and love the inspirations ;0)x best wishes ruthie, kazzy x

  14. Oh I wish I could have visited 'The Truth About Faeries' I bet it was just delightful! Sometimes it's great to stop, and smell the roses, I'm so glad that your Muse has found you again...I sincerely wish she would now find me too.

  15. Such beautiful photographs, seeing things and places like these is enough to inspire anyone:) I'd love to have seen the exhibition - what an enchanting subject.

  16. Anonymous27/9/10 20:27

    What a beautiful collection of photos from your journeys and treasures! Its so lovely to see you back here again! I agree it was a time of spending time just enjoying nature and the other parts of our lives, and now that the seasons are once again changing there is a change of energy in the air. Enjoy your fall!

  17. Hi Ruthie, I'm happy to hear that you've be kissed by the fae once more and are ready to paint ;) It seems as summer draws to a close most of us are left waiting for the next phase, here at last is autumn's magic.
    I love the photograph collections!

  18. You always share such inspiring beuaty! Wonderful!

  19. So many delicious images!
    The wooden hand!!

  20. There is nothing like a relaxed break to rekindle our imagination and inspire some creativity. Beautiful images.....xv

  21. There's a Lord of the Rings feeling about this blog.(Perhaps not so dark though)
    Wonderful stuff as usual Ruthie

  22. Hi Ruthie,
    Good to see you back with a beautiful collection of images. It is important sometimes to go inwards and quietly reflect on life.
    "The truth about faeries" exhibition looks amazing with very inspiring works. Enjoy being creative this Autumn.
    See you again soon!
    P.S. Glad you enjoyed the Celtic music on FB. :-)

  23. may the muse be with you!

  24. What a wonderful way to re-charge. These images are very lovely. So celtic. So Scotland. Thank you .. abit of the re-charge is shared!

  25. This was my first visit - I hope you come back again soon - wonderful photographs! A lovely blog :)

  26. Isn't inspiration a fickle fairy? But she seems to have visited you again with abundance, and that's a blessing to us all! Thanks for sharing these lovely words and images, I think the inspiration must be spreading...

  27. These are truly wonderful pics Ruthie and very inspiring. Thanks for sharing them. It's always a treat to stop by at your page.
    Bless you....Mic.

  28. Joan in NZ pointed me your way -- such a treasure trove of beautiful images you've shared.! I'll be back!

  29. Thak you lovely folks for your visits & words and a warm welcome to my new visitors too x

    Im still playing the game of hide & seek with my muse, its getting a little tiring now lol,

    Kazzy, please no need to apologise,life gets far too busy, its just lovely to "see" you whenever you pop by.

    Shall post again very soon x


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.