
July 08, 2010

a walk around britain . . .

a tale of two men,
ed & will, who travel on foot
live outside & sing for their supper
walking & singing their way
around the british isles ,discovering
the land, the people & their traditions
do visit to read their story
a walk around britain * * *
listen to their singing here & see their cd too


  1. Thanks for posting this, I'm going to take a peek ;)

  2. Hi Ruthie,

    Thank you so much for this post.....I'm so happy you presented this to us......what a gift. I love these guys, and I will definately have to buy one of their CD's. I'd love to see them in person, and since my husband mentioned that we might visit England again next year, I will have to look them up and find them in person.


  3. This sounds amazing. I can't wait to check it out! Hope you are having a great week, Ruthie!

  4. Oh, I just recently discovered these young men, and had a very pleasant dawdle around their website. What a wonderful, inspirational adventure!

  5. How interesting. Can't resist taking a peek at their website now!

  6. How interesting! I daydream of living like these fellas, but have, unfortunately, been sucked in by modern society and fear there is no way out.

  7. True bards!!! What a fantastic undertaking.

  8. Thanks for the link, Ruthie. "And the larks, they sang melodious at the dawning of the day!"

  9. It's been a life long dream of mine to visit England someday. I am always looking for books and things written by those fortunate enough to have been there. Thank you. I will enjoy this! XO

  10. Inspiring! Liked their singing. I remember sleeping in all kinds of weird places years ago, now I like my bed... guess I'm no longer so adventurous!

  11. Wow amazing, thanks for this link and thanks for your kind comments :)

  12. What a fantastic, creative journey. Inspirational! Thanks for sharing, Ruthie. Hope you're wonderfully well. xx

  13. What an adventure. Thank goodness there are people like this young men to inspire us.

  14. I must look out for them on their travels. I enjoyed listening to their singing.

  15. Just popped over from Jasmine's place. You have wonderful blog! -J

  16. How lovely, a little piece of medieval times past but in the present! xx

  17. Lilian is a lovely name. I love all her details.... as well as this wonderfully cheerful style that you have created! Your and your art make me smile.


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.