
April 22, 2010

times they are a changing . . . .

With the coming of these fresh spring days
i have found myself busy as a bee, a cleaning & a sorting . . .
i have been dusting down my thoughts, my hopes, my dreams
these are days for budding new ideas, new imaginings, i have been planning & designing our new wee home
painting & re-vamping, giving things a new lease of life
i really dont like throwing things away,
i am a bit of a scavenger too, some of my favourite
places are second hand stores. a treasure found costing very little
gives me so much more joy than something newly bought
my precious paints and pencils are all sadly packed away
my unfinished paintings shall have to wait (and there are so many!)
i can't quite concentrate in such upheaval & mayhem
so i shall succumb to these times of change,
another child just having flown the nest
after so many years i shall feel the empty spaces
* * *
to these times of new beginningsmy lovely niece now such a proud mom
of the tiniest miracle baby girl just 1lb 3oz,
* * *
i am counting down the days (9 sleeps to go)
until we have our new home to settle into
until life can quietly tick back into place again


  1. Exciting and just a little bit sad too, moving out of one home and into another. Time to say goodbye to a part of your life, and hello to lots of new and wonderful things. Hoping the big move goes smoothly for you Ruthie, and you can settle in quickly to your new house and make it your own warm, happy nest filled with love and creativity!

  2. Dear Ruthie, it's never easy when a child leaves. We reason and know it's what everyone must do, help them move on, celebrate their achievements and watch with pride and joy the results of our hard and dedicated labor but, in a mother's heart there will always be a longing for the days of yesteryear. At the same time, there is always a new road with new beginnings for everyone. I wish you the best in your new home. Happy moving and happy Spring! xx

  3. Oh, you are moving! That makes my spring cleaning process seem tame in comparison. Just think how marvelously organized you shall be!!

    Congratulations to your niece on her tiny, lovely new daughter!

  4. Don't forget to breathe during all of these changes, Ruthie! xoxo

  5. Oh! I hear the challenge of moving.... and waiting... with all those unfinished faces in your work waiting for you! When I moved to my new home in 2003, it took me forever to feel rooted enough to make art. On the other hand, the placing of objects and the painting of walls and the feeling myself sink into the land was a work of art in itself. Good luck!

  6. It's always just as exciting as it is hectic to move into a new home. Enjoy yourself and setting up your new space.

  7. Spring is a good time for change and I'm sure you'll be settled soon, Ruthie, so that you can focus on your creativity and enjoy the bliss of magical moments. So good to hear about the little miracle in your family. Wishing you all well and happy times ahead. Love & bright wishes. xx

  8. Hi Ruthie,
    Good luck with your house move - a very symbolic time of year for new beginnings!
    Can I just double check... was that ONE pound 3 oz you said??
    A miracle baby indeed, she must be very special to you all!
    Best wishes and enjoy the spring...

  9. A new home! How exciting for you, Ruthie! All the best with the big move and have fun making it cosy.

    Warm wishes to your niece; much happiness with her precious little daughter. ♥a

  10. Anonymous23/4/10 09:10

    Congratulations on your niece's little miracle. When our children leave home we feel happiness for them but always we feel a little sadness for us; for the days that will never quite be the same again.

    I wish you loads of happiness in your new home and am sending you blessings for a smooth move into the next chapter of your life.

    Shirl x

  11. thank you all for your warm wishes.

    carrie yes i did say 1lb 3 oz, her lungs are the size of an almond, she is so amazing.

    have a great day all x x x

  12. Hello Ruthie,

    Congratulations on the new addition to the family and to your new abode. Please post piccy's of both when you can, I would love to see them.


  13. Ah, Ruthie, I hope you will enjoy your new home and your creativity will come back in full force, when you are settled. I totally understand what you are saying about letting go of your old life and moving into a new place. It can be a bit upsetting but also a wonderful time.:)
    Thinking of you fox sister. Take care.
    Hugs, Jo.xx

  14. Ruthie, best wishes for a smooth move to a wonderful new home. Hugs to the new family addition! :)

  15. It's always sad to leave somewhere you've lived and been happy in but exciting to have a new place to make into cosy home. I hope all goes smoothly for you. I hope also that your tiny niece grows bigger and stronger with every passing day, she is incredibly tiny - I still remember how fragile and light my first grandson was and he was a comparatively big 3lb 13oz.

  16. Anonymous24/4/10 23:10

    Many warm wishes on your new home and new additions, and on the occasion of your child moving out (I have a few years ahead of me for this but can imagine how tricky it is – so many varied emotions). Thank you for sharing it all with us, and as usual, for the lovely photographs. Take care!

  17. Dear Ruthie,

    I wish you all the very best for your new move. I am sure when you are settled you will be able to paint again, in the meantime you can put all your creative energies into building your new home. I know all about being an empty nester, it takes time to adapt but seeing your fledglings flying solo is very rewarding also.

    Years ago my nephew was born weighing no more than a bag of sugar, he made it against all the odds I am happy to report. I am sending you and your niece and your miracle baby all my best wishes.

  18. Anonymous25/4/10 09:40

    May you and yours and your new home be blessed, and may you have happy and creative times there. There will be much joy in unpacking your favourite things, rejuvenating it is after all the hard work. Then times and space to dream and wander the labyrinths of your beautifully creative soul. ♥

  19. Best wishes in your new house Ruthie.Bluebell season's a good time to move.
    Glad to liked my hares.Carleton Fell is an absolute haven for wildlife.

  20. may your new home bring you endless blessings and days that feel wonderful to you. I can only imagine how busy you must be. Your treasures and art are all so lovely!

  21. Good luck with the new home. May it be a joy filled experience for you.
    Having a child leave "the nest" always changes the dynamic. Takes adjusting to but they need to find their own way some time.
    Hope your great niece is making good progress. There would be a good subject for some paintings.

  22. A bittersweet time for sure! I love your photo of the blue and white items!

  23. It is so good to see a collection of your work in this picture. I wish you well with your move. Unpacking and personalising a new place is so rewarding. Almost worth the hard work of the move.
    Wishing you happiness dear one xJ

  24. I hope you'll find a lot of happiness in your new home! I've always thought that to move is like a new start in life 'so see ones life with new eyes' so to speak. Lovely! Many hugs!

  25. Best wishes to you and your new home! Spring is such a perfect time for a new beginning. I am sending positive thoughts for good health to your littles family member...1 lb 3oz?! What a miracle!
    I have passed on an award to you on my blog...

    Hugs to you!!

  26. Best of wishes...I know these moves can be depleting!

  27. Moves are sad and happy--both. But a good clean-out can be refreshing!! I hope all goes well with you in the next week or two, dear Ruthie!

  28. Congratulations Great Aunt Ruthie! 1lb 3oz, she's a faery child to be sure ;)
    It's great that you have a new home just waiting to be filled with your creativity.

  29. Congratulations to your niece on her tiny, lovely new daughter!
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