
March 19, 2010

cairnsmore of fleet . . hidden treasures

remembering adventures from last summer . . .
when we followed signs up into heathery hillson to the beautiful cairnsmore of fleet

hoping to discover hidden carvings by matt baker
we mused over poetic clues to find the treasures

clues such as
"before the river is bridged, don't get your feet wet "

or "twixt viaduct & forest, we lived here once "(see the sculpted face tucked away?)
the ancient ruin of the medieval township Cullendoch

feral goats, pegrines, dragonflies & grouse

bog-cotton, sundews, sphagnam mossso much to see there on the
scottish natural heritage site

March 05, 2010

bits & pieces . . .

5 things i have been doing . . . designing thistles for wedding invitations

making a clay mock up of a tiny figure i hope to make

designing images for the cover for my sister-in-laws book

making a photo birthday book /card for my niece

writing in my journal

March 04, 2010

gathering moss . . .

A rolling stone gathers no moss
so they say . . .
im feeling very "mossy" just now
i seem to have ground to a bit of a halt
im sitting back and ruminating
examining my world in the greatest of detail
wishing on rainbows & holding my breath
taking it step by step
thankful for my family, my health, my life
wondering what is around the next corner
i have been ever so slightly pre-occupied this wee last wee while, there has been a flurry of activity some good, some not so. i have had . . . one daughter winning the scottish apprentice awards, yay! another passing exams with flying colours, wonderful. a son choosing his career subjects, oh my! Then we had a day of delicious candle making with my lovely family, smiles & laughter & much silliness.
Then i had a bit of a fright when the black ice sent car & me spinning off the road & bouncing into a stone dyke (no damage . . . .to me that is) then, last but by no means least we have felt extremely sad when we learnt that the cottage will be ours for only 2 months longer, and a new wee home we have to find.
* * *
life has been happy & sad, exciting & scary,but it's all about old endings & new starts. i thought i ought to explain why my thought are elsewhere just now. things always happen for a reason though don't you agree? now im off for a cup of tea. see you all very soon x x x