
March 04, 2010

gathering moss . . .

A rolling stone gathers no moss
so they say . . .
im feeling very "mossy" just now
i seem to have ground to a bit of a halt
im sitting back and ruminating
examining my world in the greatest of detail
wishing on rainbows & holding my breath
taking it step by step
thankful for my family, my health, my life
wondering what is around the next corner
i have been ever so slightly pre-occupied this wee last wee while, there has been a flurry of activity some good, some not so. i have had . . . one daughter winning the scottish apprentice awards, yay! another passing exams with flying colours, wonderful. a son choosing his career subjects, oh my! Then we had a day of delicious candle making with my lovely family, smiles & laughter & much silliness.
Then i had a bit of a fright when the black ice sent car & me spinning off the road & bouncing into a stone dyke (no damage . . . .to me that is) then, last but by no means least we have felt extremely sad when we learnt that the cottage will be ours for only 2 months longer, and a new wee home we have to find.
* * *
life has been happy & sad, exciting & scary,but it's all about old endings & new starts. i thought i ought to explain why my thought are elsewhere just now. things always happen for a reason though don't you agree? now im off for a cup of tea. see you all very soon x x x


  1. Ruthie, beautiful photos - stunning! Whatever you haven't been doing has been good for your creativity :-)

    So sorry about the scare on the black ice - I've been there and it woke me up with jolts for nights afterwords.

    Have I mentioned I LOVE moss?? I think we all need a little more in our lives :)

  2. Ruthie, I'm so glad to hear you are fine and it was just a nasty fright. The photos are absolutely magical. I love moss, especially on rocks. Hope you find joy no matter where life takes you-xx

  3. I love moss too...
    Life change its direction and things happens out of our control. And what can we do? Try to search always the best part, be positive, start again and follow enjoying life as much as we can ;)

  4. Beautiful, beautiful photos. Glad to hear you are fine. Nearly spring - no more ice!

  5. Dear Ruthie, congrats on the good things, and sympathy for the bad...VERY glad you are fine after your much too close encounter with the stone dyke. And sad to be leaving your little house, but I'm sure you will make a magical home wherever you are, with your family around you.

    big hugs, xx Christina

  6. Nice post indeed...
    all things will pass but the love of our relatives will stay forever
    I do love moss, in fact I cultivate in on a shady spot of my garden

  7. Yes indeed keep yer chin up! Spring is just around the corner...moss is everywhere here as well in all its crisp green newness!

  8. This is an incredibly positive post for someone who has just been told they have to leave their home. Thats hapened to us years ago with a house we loved dearly. I dont wish to dwell on the negative, but you sound very strong. As for the rest of the recent events, i'm happy for your children, and i know sliding on ice is a terrifying feeling ! Luckily we were on a quiet country road when it happened to us. And, last but by no means least, thanks for the mossy pictures and the rainbow. Beautiful :o)

  9. Such inspiring and beautiful images, Ruthie. As for life's journey, it is full of twists and turns, managed much better with a smile and positive outlook, which I feel you have in abundance. Love & bright wishes and I hope you find a magical place to `be' vey soon. xx

  10. Anonymous6/3/10 15:17

    Ruthie, I'm so glad you're all right. Being in a car accident is incredibly scary. I was in one many years ago, but no injuries, thank God.

    It's really too bad you have to move, but I hope wherever you live next will be a wonderful place that you can fill with great memories.

    Congrats to your children for their achievements!

  11. thank you all so very much for your words & support & encouragement, much needed , as i am feeling ever so slightly lost just now. But we are looking upon it as an adventure & im sure in 6 months i shall be able to look back & smile x x

    I shall get around to visiting you all sooner or late x x

  12. Anonymous10/3/10 10:26

    Well, yes, I can see now why you feel unsettled, these are big things, and not good for the creative soul and spirit. A mixed bag of occurrences indeed. I suppose a positive thing is that moving will be during the Spring, a time of hope and a lightening of the spirit too. May the powers that be grace you and yours.

  13. lizzie, thank you, it is a blessing t is spring, new beginnings x

  14. So much upheaval, but I am so glad you are O.K.! Life has these crazy bursts of energy and chaos sometimes, but we breathe (and create- beautiful photos!) and soon we are on the other side.

    Breathe ... and know blessing are around you (which it sounds like you do) and know there are many on the way.

    Much light and peace to you.

  15. Lucinda, thank you for those beautiful words x

  16. Lovely photography. I can't help feel like those stones are really dragon eggs warming in the sun.

  17. Kim, how loevly a thought, i hadn't seen them like that before, now i shall have to go and steal away some of those eggs from the dragon to hid in a corner of my garden ;-)

  18. Your moss looks so very much like our moss here - this time of year it is everywhere.

    I'm glad you sound like you didn't suffer any damage from your black-ice adventure. And I'm so sorry to hear that you'll have to move soon - that's always a big event. I'm sure you'll find someplace equally wonderful - and we'll look forward to seeing your reports from there as well.

  19. Hi Ruthie! Life can take funny turns sometimes but I belive things happen for a reason. I have had a few ups and downs too and still not knowing if it will turn out good or bad, that´s exhausting!
    You have such lovely photograps and I find this and your other blog so inspiring (I love all things mossy, celtic, irish..!)


  20. Tara - thank you, we have indeed just found somewhere, and its beautiful, so excited, such a weight off my shoulders too. hope you are well x x

    Liisa - thank you x x i hope things are on the up for you now too x x

  21. Oh good! Looking forward to hearing about it and seeing your lovely 'photo-essays' of your new environs. (can I ask where it is you're going?)

  22. Hi Ruthie, I love your photographs, they're so alive!
    Sorry to hear about your unwelcome move but perhaps something even more precious is awaiting you.


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.