
February 02, 2010

inspired by . . .

inspired by the beautiful bright moon
to do a quick doodle
inspired by an earlier gypsy sketch
to try a bigger more detailed paintinginspired by autums colours
a piece i did last autumn
whilst listening to the wonderful

inspired . . knowing spring is on the way x x
If you are interested in ancient tales & legends
of celtic origin, a visit across to the
celtic myth podshow is an absolute must
* * *
never very good at planning, this is a new adventure to me
having a plan of action has given so much more focus
i think i could begin to get very used to this new way of thinking!
at last, i have been a working on my web site design, exciting !
and i do so hope to have it up by the end of the month
and remember i told you here, about the red-den,
we got held up last year but are due for opening
very, very soon, i shall let you know.
x x x
(see also the red-den studio links under snippets of)


  1. I love it when you show your work Ruthie, it is so beautiful, all that auburn lovliness and wild at heart feel.

    Off to look at the link now, is it one of your sites?

    Sending love xx

  2. Anonymous3/2/10 00:25


    It's so much fun to see your work! Each piece looks wonderful, and its great for me to see the work in process. I really love the colours you use too, they are so vibrant and bring so much feeling to each piece!

  3. Ahh, the red-haired gypsy is back! Love the hair detail Ruthie, this is going to look gorgeous when it's all done! I'll have to set aside some time when the other half doesn't want the 'puter to check out the podshow...I've been fascinated by celtic myths since I was a small child, Robin Williamson's "5 Denials on Merlin's Grave" was a huge influence on me (happened to catch it on the radio at age 16, it was like magic). I like his thoughts about Excalibur/ Ex Cailleach Bheur! And yes, planning is something I've never really done, everything in my life kind of happens by accident, and I think it's time to take control! Good luck with all your exciting new plans!

  4. Ruthie, thanks so much for stopping by and to discover how we both were inspired by looking at the moon...
    Your art is so inspiring, too!

  5. I look forward to seeing more of your projects, ruthie!

    Your moon has charm and grace - how do you do that? :)

  6. I love your paintings, specilly the sun and the one with the very sweet!!!

  7. Oh Ruthie I lOVe that Gypsy painting! Your style really has taken on a life of its own now. Your inspiration blog is so beautiful too, I think I've loved every single thing you've ever posted on there! I shall certainly be clicking on that celtic link later today, thanks for sharing :)xx

  8. I'm so excited for you, Ruthie, and inspired by your creative journey. It's so good to see your work evolving. What a magical time for you. Sending you love and bright wishes, dear one. xx

  9. Your artwork is beautiful.

  10. Lovely Ruthie, every time I read one of your posts I feel refreshed and inspired to create :) It looks like 2010 is going to be an amazing adventure for you xxx

  11. oh i feel inspired now too! fliss xx

  12. Hi Ruthie,
    Lovely to see some of your new Celtic inspired work. I'm pleased to see you are getting even more in touch with your Celtic roots in your beautiful paintings. I think it is time for us artists to bring the Celtic magic back into fashion again.:)
    It's always lovely to visit you here and see your stunning art and photos.
    All best wishes with your creative projects.
    Much love, Jo.x;)

  13. I really love your gypsy girl with her horse. Podcasts are not something I've come to grips with yet but this sounds worth trying so I shall endeavour to expand my field of knowledge I think:) I hope that all your hopes and dreams for 2010 come to pass.

  14. Anonymous4/2/10 23:19

    Wonderful work Ruthie, I really love it x The snowdrop is heartstopingly beautiful too x

  15. Anonymous5/2/10 07:54

    Your work is magical and an inspiration in itself. I have stopped by the Celtic Myth Podshow and listened to a moving reading of Keats. Lovely!

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is fun to see your beautiful work.

  17. Anonymous6/2/10 09:34

    Moving towards spring, I can feel it in my bones ... :0)

    Shirl x

  18. How beautiful! I love your style!

  19. What lovely, whimsical work!

  20. Hope you are enjoying all your new creative projects and having fun.
    It is nice to see the snowdrops, a welcome sight.

  21. Hi Ruthie,
    Magical drawings.
    Snowdrops so delicate,they give us a promise of Spring.x

  22. Hello Ruthie your art work is very beautiful. I really love the moon and especially the photo of the tulip. Oh, how I wish Spring would come soon. I really love that time of year. I hav enter an art Exhibition and I thought you would enjoy looking at it. You can find out more about it on my blog. Please let me know what you think. Hugs Judy

  23. Lovely painting! Love the serenity of expression and cleanliness of the lines of your subjects.

  24. Your paintings are wonderful..truly inspiring. They just emanate magic.
    I recently re-read one of my favourite books of all time, 'The Craneskin Bag', a retelling of various Celtic myths and tales, by Robin Williamson. It has a certain quality of magic and life, like your wonderful pictures.
    Thank you...mic.

  25. great details. did you take the picture of the flower?

  26. Ruthie - I love your gypsy painting and I hope you show it to us again when it is complete. I have now read the two books you mentioned on your blog about the people called gypsies but who are instead Scottish Travellers. When I wrote my blog about Jessie Smith's book I heard from Patsy Whyte, niece of Betsy Whyte. She had a very terrible experience as a Traveller child. I hope to get a copy of her book soon.

    I also love your autumn painting and if you finish that I would like to feature it next fall when I write about the autumn equinox.

    Love aways, Julie

    Oh, PS, forgot to mention the Celtic Podcast. How I wish my computer's audio worked.

  27. This is a beautiful blog, especially the artwork.

  28. Beautiful illustrations and blog!

  29. Love your inspirations! Lovely to see your work in progress as well.

  30. Hello all, as you can possibly tell i habe been working backwards at answering messages & mail.. Thank you all for visiting x x

    jasmine, not a link to my site but a wonderful site full of cealtic tales 7 loveliness.

    Joanne, i totall y agree about bringing the celtic magic back into focus!!

    Rowan, i do hope you mamage to listen to the myth pod shows, they are very imformative.

    dellamarinis, so glad you enjoyed it, i am half way through listening to the backdated shows, but think i could listen over & over .

    Mic - i haven't read the craneskin bag, but am going to have to hunt for it, thank you!

    The creative - i did indeed take the phot, that is another passion of mine taking close ups of natures details .

    Julie - thank you, i should be honoured that you chose to use my picture.

    thanks all, hope to catch up sooner next time x x


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.