
November 23, 2009

robert kirk . . . elves, faeries & fauns

a trailer for the intriguing, award winning, scottish film "kirk"

about a 17th century reverend, robert kirk, who believed in faeries
the film was produced by 17yr old michael ferns


  1. My nanna's maiden name is Kirk and since my dad was the first born child he was given the name kirk as his 3rd forename positioned just before the surname. Robert Stephen Kirk. I'm going to have fun telling him he has a namesake that was a reverend that elieved in fairies. That will shake his heathen alpha male image :) xx

  2. Oh I love Jasmine's comment - what a great story for her dad.

    I shall have to look out for this. 17 years old - I can't believe it.

  3. Hello Ruthie, Thanks for your recent comments on my blog. It's so lovely to connect with you. Kirk looks fantastic! I'm a big fan of Scottish made films so this one will be on my list. xx

  4. Wow--this looks great. Can't believe it was made by a 17-year old. Thanks for showing us the clip.

  5. Now that looks like fun. I will check the Net Flix list. Are you staying warm and cozy?

  6. Ruthie, you always manage to bring us the best magic! Thank you. I'll keep my eyes open for Kirk! xx

  7. Fascinating, Ruthie. I will look for the film. After reading some of his *Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Faeries*, I have determined to print out what I can for further reading. One of my favorite books of all time is George MacDonald's *The Portent*, which weaves "the second sight" into a mystery and romance. Have you read it?

  8. Oh my goodnesss I want to see this! I'll have to keep an eye out for it!x

  9. Oh poor man! One can look too hard for faeries.

    I'm always really impressed by the quality of the films that come out of Scotland (and Ireland!). We have so many great stories in our heritage - our history is such a rich source of inspiration. Do you know of any showings of "Kirk"?

    There's one film I'm really looking forward to next year - an adaptation of "Eagle of the Ninth" by Rosemary Sutcliff - I've been waiting about 5 years since I first heard it was being made!

  10. I'm definitely going to be looking out for this one!
    Thanks for sharing Ruthie x

  11. I haven't heard of it Ruthie but it looks awesome.

    Love Renee xoxo

  12. Ditto what everyone else has said!!! :)

    That is my kind of film...

  13. I bought Robert Kirk's book last year so will be very interested to see this film adaptation. I can hardly believe that one so young has made this film.. genius and brave!

    So glad to have introduced you to Shirley Trevana's art, it truly inspires me. I have a limited edition print, I wish I could afford to buy and original..ah well..

  14. Ruthie,

    This sounds like an amazing movie. I wonder if we will able to get it here in the US? I didn't see it on Maybe it is just out??

  15. Wonder if it will make it to the states....I was hooked into reading from the link you provided. Then wisely stopped. Then I saw the sculptures below that I need to go be creative. Thanks for popping by my blog, wedding was a great success, still catching my breath. hugs, Kimberly

  16. awwww such a lovely trailer to that breath taking film 'kirk' the comments above. Lovely post as always xx

  17. Love that trailer. Thanks for sharing.
    And thanks so much for writing in an earlier post about "The Stolen Child". I absolutely loved it, read it non stop for 2 days, couldn't put it down till I finished it.

  18. I have Reverend Kirk's book also. Crossing fingers that this somehow finds its way over the ocean to the US...

    Hugs and misses Ruthie!

  19. Ruthie, I am so blessed to have found your lovely blog! It's just beautiful! Magic overload! I too write about the magic of life, but my backdrop is the American Southwest. So very nice to meet you here.


  20. I love films like this! I do believe that there are still may things we do not know or understand. Maybe faeries do exist. I have a dear friend of Scottish/Irish descent who believes. Why not?

  21. Jasmine, i love this story, how did your dad take that ! lol

    Carol Ann, lovely to see you here, thank you for visiting x

    Kat_rn: only just staying cosy, it has been a frosty few days!! but rather that than rain any day ;-)

    Richard: i haven't read the portent, i have so much catching up to do reading wise, having been out of the loop for far too long. thanks for the suggestion! my reading list is now very enticing indeed. So glad you enjoyed reading kirks stuff!

    Kitty, i agree about the scottish/irish films, some wonderful stuff. I am going to have to keep an eye open for more info re this film as im unsure when or if it is actually showing to the public!! "Eagle of the Ninth" is a must!!

    Julie: Sorry, im not sure of the answer, shall let you know x x

    Rita: so thrilled that you loved the stolen child, it is a wonderful, un put downable story x

    Tara: ooh, im envious lol, miss u too u busy lass x x x

    Stark Raving Zen, thank you for your kind words, lovely to meet you, i shall come over for a visit very soon x

    Angela why not indeed !

    Too all who asked re: the film, i shall try to discover more about showings etc & let you all know, sorry for the lack of info x x take care all x

  22. Hi there.

    I have just stumbled upon your blog and am very touched by all the nice comments about 'Kirk'.

    As yet - there is no theatrical or DVD release date as we are doing the 'festival tour' first!

    Best Wishes,
    Michael Ferns

  23. Looks like it could be an interesting film.... I wonder if it will come out in Canada?

    I must admit, while it looks interesting, it looks potentially quite sad... the story line reminds me of some of the old ballads..



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