
July 07, 2009

paths, painting & presents

oh my its july already
i meant to tell of last weeks happenings!
struggling with my painting in progress
"queen of the night"
a garden path at last ready
for visitors to the "red-den" (nearly there!)
a laughter filled 25th birthday
for my red haired lassie
travels to glasgow delivering a poorly applemac
& my wee bit o' self indulgence (above)
summery wanderings along the sunbleached sands
with a little dog called coco
then another new week . .


  1. What a fun post! I love the large moon reflecting on the water as the boater gently moves into the moonlit path. I, too, took a shadow photo--on the beach with my husband. Yours is great! Sounds like like is good.

  2. Lovely post and the self-indulgence looks yummy!

  3. Except for the ill Mac, it sounds like a perfect week!!

  4. Love the painting, love the path!

    This is why we have summer :)

  5. splendid little stars & pamela life is indeed very good. im very lucky lass.

    Gramma Ann - it was sooo yummy, they had bright pink ones too.

    the garden ms. s - i know, what a difference this year compared to last, i already feel as though we have spent so much more time outside!

  6. Love the path - and your mermaids!

  7. The mermaids are wonderful, I love the shadow picture to :)

  8. Hello there Ruthie

    now that could be more than 'a wee bit of indulgence' but for such a busy week you are excused...

    I came from NZ and we all say 'wee' because of the many Scottish emigrants in the South Island...but you don't hear it here in Au so much so it is nostalgic music to my ears.

    Your painting looks intriguing - and full moon tonight...

    Happy days

  9. Where did you find that self indulgence? it's making me drool. Lovely blog as usual.

  10. I love your moon!

    There is nothing more frustrating than a poorly computer, I hope you are back to normal soon.

  11. perfect week, i love it all!
    felicity xx

  12. If the painting you've shown is the one you're wrestling with, STOP! It's perfect. Love the moon and the mermaids - two of my most favorite things.

  13. looks as though you are having a lovely summer! Your painting is charming!

  14. alaine, jasmine, julie & tammie-lee thank u for the kind words re mermaid painting, i suppose i wont give up on it just yet!! maybe im being the "perfectionist" again ;-)

    delwyn - how interesting that the "wee" is so familiar to you! i use it without realising.

    Chris, that self indulgence was found in a little coffee shop just down buchannan street, on the left as you walk away from the centre! (cant remember the name) but they have them sat in the window! yum!

  15. All I can say is don't even tell me the red haired lass of 25 is your daughter. You don't have a 25 year old do you?

    If that is the case I am shocked because you look so young.

    Love Renee xoxo

  16. ah, what a lovely sounding week. (I am imagining myself being there. Still, so very much, want to be visiting where you are...)

  17. Great post Ruthie. I really like your redheaded mermaids painting.
    Do you really have a 25 year old daughter?
    You look about 25 yourself!!:)
    Anyway your summer wonderings is lovely.
    See you again Soon.

  18. renee & joanne may - yes i do indeed & 14yrs & 26yrs! they keep me on my toes & dont have a minute to think about getting older lol

    tlc - one day x x


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