
June 28, 2009

the sea was calling . . .

the sea was calling, singing its soothing songthe doon beach kirkcudbright
we picked up our feet & made for the shore
an early morning walk in a puff of cool air
we spied the promise of autumn blackberries
tiny faerie petals nodding in the breeze
delicate wild roses sweet scented
returning home with calmness restored
inspired by nature to do more designs


  1. Hello Ruthie

    I have reached you via Alaine and find your corner of the world to be so charming. I have gone back a little ways through your posts but will return and spend more time savouring the scenes and your lovely images.

    Happy Days

  2. There is nothing more refreshing than the Scottish shore! Lucky girl!

  3. The beautiful sights we see on our walks and a clever sketch Ruthie.

  4. What a perfect day!

    I love your sketch. It makes me think that I would love to have a gate to my garden with a tree in its design. Lovely. :)

  5. Anonymous29/6/09 08:48

    It's hard to stay away from the sea for long... And you've noticed the black berry flowers too! There seem to be loads this year.. Every time we go out we note where the blackberry bushes are, to plan our picking campaigns - I think there's going to be a glut of berries if the weather stays this good :D

  6. Wonderful photos Ruthie. You seem to live in a very beautiful place.
    I love your drawing of the Tree of Life. Great detail.:)

  7. A lovely inspiring post Ruthie. We went to the sea this weekend too, but I forgot to take my camera! :o)

  8. Oh, I do wish I lived nearer to the sea. your walk looks so inspiring, lovely drawing too.

  9. I am hooked, what a wonderful blog. Lovely flowers.

  10. Great pics and interesting comment. The power of nature is huge indeed. Thanks for showing what she has shown you; love the design of the tree

  11. What beautiful pictures, and thanks for inviting me along on your walk.

  12. Hello Delwyn, Kat_rn, debbie & gramma ann. lovely to "meet" you, thanks for the lovely comments. always great to hear that folks like what i do.

    Pamela Terry & Edward, and acorn moon - i am soo lucky to live here right by the sea surrounded by beauty.

    The Garden Ms M - mmm now thats a good idea!!

    Kitty - one of my faves - blackberyy jam, cant wait.

    Jessie i hate it when i forget my camera, just yesterday i missed a perfect misty sunset, grrr.

    Alaine, joanne may, thank you i am quite excited about this drawing its the start of a set i am working on.

  13. What beautiful photo's. And I love the design they inspired, fabulous.'Oooooo' Ive just looked at your previous posting and I am so looking forward to the new release from the ellward fairieality collection.
    'fairieality style book'. My niece introduced me to the first one a few years back, gorgeous. Thank you soooooo much for sharing that. I'll watch out for it. hugs xxx

  14. Hello Ruthie,

    oh that berry flower is a bit of divinity as is the rose. Your words have the grace of a poem and your art is full of charm. I so enjoyed your post.

  15. Beautiful Ruthie.

    Love Renee xoxo


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