
June 19, 2009

paths & paintings . . .

the "red-den" opening is creeping closer . . .
there has been much list making, sorting outtidying up & finishing off in moms beautiful garden
(for it is at moms that our open studio is to be) laying scrunchy gravel paths
that wind around the house building wide sloping steps
that lead to flower beds so lovingly made
then it has been home to finish off my fathers day owl
more painting & framing of prints & endless cups of tea
i think a wee whirlwind has passed through my own studio!
of course, we did find time for a family bbq
strawberries & cream & catching up with friends


  1. Happy Summer Solstice!

  2. Great owl painting. I keep forgetting you have two blogs so I have to catch up.

  3. What an absolutely lovely garden and those look like the Eildon Hills in the background. I must tell you that a Mrs. Thom from Scotland named our town, Eildon, after the area she came from. The distant hills in your Mum's garden look like the view we see every day!

    I adore your owl.

    Enjoy the excitement as opening day draws near.

  4. What a beautiful garden Ruthie. I'm sure anyone who receives that owl will be very happy in deed.

  5. What a beautiful setting! Your owl is great!

  6. Your garden is looking beautiful and love the Owl - very wise.

  7. Best of luck with your open house - the garden is nothing short of amazing. And the OWL!!! is brilliant.
    Love him.

  8. Ruthie I am so excited it is ridiculous. Not like I will be there.

    The yard looks fantastic.

    And your Dad's owl, incredible.

    Love Renee xoxo

  9. Looks like a lovely wander in your garden. I love your poetic writings.
    Glad you loved the orchids posted :)

  10. What a wonderful view from the garden. The owl is lovely.

  11. Hi there,
    love the owl. And your mum's garden is looking goegeous!

  12. What a very nice place...

  13. You gave me a surprise Ruthie, I thought the gloves were something climbing over the wall :)


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.