
May 12, 2009

missing hedgehogs & honeybees . . .

daisy by ruthiei woke as fresh as a daisy this morn filled with excitement
for my mr o & i are off on such a week of adventure tomorrow
this was going to be a sunshiny, happy kind of post . . .
about golden things . . . . . gorse or whin bushes by ruthie

like the deliciously scented gorse or whin bushes as they are locally known
that fill the hillsides here, as far as the eye can see with such vibrant colour
busy bumble bees by ruthie taken 2008
but as i sat with a cup of tea in the garden, there was an extra quietness in the air
& slowly my thoughts came to settle on the sorry plight of our busy little bees. . . hedgehog illustration by valerie greeley
later i discovered another sad tale over at acornmoon
of missing hedgehogs & a future without these wee snuffling characters
. . . i am off to join this
hedgehog society
sunset over the hills at mutehill by ruthie as the sun silently slides behind the hills at the end of this day,
there are many things to ponder . . .
* * *
the beautiful hedgehog illustration above used with kindly
permission by illustrator & textile designer valerie at acornmoon
(see you when we return, have a wonderful week wherever you may be x)


  1. That was absolutely beautiful...I hope you are well! :)

  2. Lovely post and as I recall gorse bach remedy is for lifting the spirits.

  3. love your drawing of the gorse, we used to have one at the bottom of our garden.
    I recall it has a slight coconut or vanilla scent.

  4. Anonymous13/5/09 09:46

    I went to pick the gorse with my girls, they immediately noticed the lovely scent. And when I dye with it it fills the whole house. I know that farmers probably don´t like it, but I can´t have enough of looking at it. It is my Scottish sun! Have a lovely day and week!

  5. Gorse reminds me of the Easters we spent dying the eggs for rolling down the big hill at the back of Upper Senick! Also spring, and the easter hols, knwing summer was on its way soon. Making easter bonnets and hunting for eggs. x

  6. A lovely post, Ruthie. Have a wonderful week wherever you're going.

    Please pop over to my place and see if you know what the little flask with griffins on it is. LBx

  7. A beautiful post. It is so sad about the bees and hedgehogs. We have lots of plants that attract bees here, but sadly I have noticed the decline in numbers.

    My in-laws have hedgehogs in their garden still. They feed them with hedgehog food.

  8. It is painful to think of a world without hedgehogs and honeybees. We all must do what we can to prevent their disappearance.

    And, I do wish you a wonderful week of adventure!

  9. Ah Ruthie, it is such a little piece of heaven to catch up on all the gorgeousness (and Scottishness :-) of your blog.

    We have gorse growing wild here also. It's such a saturated golden yellow...

    I hope you are enjoying your week away (and I totally concur with the acupuncture recommendation! It can do fabulous things).

    Thanks for all the lovelies you share.

  10. Beautiful hedgehog illustration and lovely post. I wish you the best time while you are away. When you comeback I have an award for you at my blog.

  11. Anonymous18/5/09 17:16

    I hope you've had a lovely adventure, can't wait to hear your tales.
    I actualy gasped when I saw the bee photo's you are such a wonderful photographer and artist. I always get a beautiful surprise when I visit your blog.
    Thank you for being good for hedgehogs.

  12. Those are fabulous macro "bee" shots. Lovely post.

  13. Pamela - more than well after such a wonderful adventure!!

    Hermes - indeed it is, a great lifter or so i am told.

    Jane, lovely to "meet" you i shall be off to visit you very soon.

    red2white, thank you & you too. the scent is delicious isn't it.

    Han - thank you treasure, wonderful memories, i used to especially love to watch you & all the cousins rolling those eggs, remember peg wanted to eat them!! x x

    Ladybug, mrs boho thank you - hedgehog food??

    thank you all for your wishes & comments - was so lovely to come back to them all!!


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.