
April 10, 2009

Bruno Torfs, heartbreak & hope

these are some of the wonderful sculptures by artist bruno torfs

more of his amazing work here

"Hidden amongst the lush rain forests North East of Melbourne, Victoria, is the rare jewel that is Bruno's art and sculpture garden..........
........ until that is, the bushfire that swept through the township on 7th Feb 09,
Bruno & his family survived. sadly many of his friends & neighbours were lost.
Bruno's home & his art gallery were completely destroyed by the fires.
such a heartbreaking tale, yet with amazing courage & hope
he and his family begin to rebuild what they lost
here you can read & follow their story.


  1. The sculptures are magic, it makes me very sad to think of the loss of Bruno's home and work,nature can seem very cruel at times. Thanks for showing them on your blog they are fantastic.

  2. What amazing work, I love it!
    The fires though,.... awful, so sad.

    Thanks for sharing, have a happy Easter Ruthie x

  3. The sculptures are wonderful especially Gandalf(?) and the last one who I take it is a shaman? How dreadful to have lost all his work in the bush fires though to have survived along with his family is the important thing. I hope some pieces at least are still in existence in galleries and private collections.

  4. Ooooh my goodness. What amazing art work. My heart aches for him and his family but I'm glad they are all OK. I'm sure there are more pieces that will be born of the ashes.

  5. Amazing and I stared at the first image before even seeing the sculpture - it fits the landscape so nicely. Thanks for sharing.

  6. A beautiful garden I've visited - only 20 minutes from where I live. They will rebuild but unfortunately Marysville will never be the same again. The human cost and the loss of the beautiful old guest houses - an enormous tragedy.

  7. Wonderfully magical. So beautiful!

  8. Amazing sculptures...such a sad sad story though. I am so happy that he and his family are safe though!
    I love the snail woman.
    Ruthie- this is Ruby:

    She is a spaniel mix :)

  9. Such imaginative, beautiful work. My heart breaks at what he and his family have had to endure. Thank you so much for introducing me to his wonderful art!

    Edward and I wish you a lovely Easter!

  10. WOW...I would dearly love sculptures that magical! What a talent!

  11. Nice sculptures, I really like the first one in the set. So Ruthie, when are you guys going to try one and post?

  12. I saw these esculptures in a power point file that someone sendo it to me, but I didn't know anything about sad.
    His work is amazing and absolutley beautiful!!

  13. Anonymous15/4/09 00:41

    Amazing and beautiful sculptures. So sad that they were lost and so glad the sculptor and his family are safe.

  14. Amazing, stopped by after visiting Karen and thought i would take a look :-)

  15. Oh my goodness ,Ruthie I didn´t see his work last time I visited you ! I was so overwhelmed of the beasts ! Wow ! Have to check him . I´m now following you other blog not to loose you ,but i think I should follow this site too ! It´s so inspiring and overwhelming with all the beautiful pics !

  16. Anonymous24/7/09 04:34

    I ordered his DVD and everyone loved it in my house. And the money went for a good cause-to help rebuild his magical place :)


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