
February 03, 2009

Illustration Friday ~ Climb

For Illustration Friday ~  climb, I made myself finish it.
I am so bad at finishing a thing, if i'm not just sure i like how it's going.
It's the perfectionist virgo part of me & its such a pest.


  1. I understand Ruthie! But I must tell you that if I only posted paintings that I was happy with, I'd have an empty blog. I think most of us artists keep on striving to get better and to reach what seems an unattainable goal sometimes, but every piece of work is a step closer to what we're trying to achieve and I learn MORE from my mistakes than the bits I get right.
    By the way, had to wear one of those plastic contraptions but I couldn't sleep as it was so uncomfortable! That was many years ago and my teeth have not been ground down to stumps! :)
    AND I love your painting - Rapunzel was one of my favourite stories as a child.(I think it had something to do with the long hair!)x

  2. Hi!
    I always get these ideas in my head for IF, but never get around to doing them. At least you have completed this one.
    Funnily enough, my idea for flawed this week - the one that isn't going to get out my head onto paper- involves a rapunzel type tower scenario, but in a two image scene - after the handsome prince climbs the beautiful long braided hair, he reaches the window only to find it's some hairy bearded hippy bloke and not his fair maiden! Am I nuts or what!!!

  3. Thank you Jessie, i am improving, today finishing another i started 20 yrs ago! Am definately going to say no to dentist!! Doda, that is a hilarious image & its now stuck in my head lol x

  4. I'm not poetic -- well, except for the occasional nonsense verse -- but I have a story with a similar idea on my one of my blogs. Don't know if this space allows links, but I'm going to try:
    If you can access it, see what you make of it. :)

  5. What a beautiful and inspiring blog! Your work is so delicate and heartfelt it really speaks to me. I completely understand about imperfection in art, the vision and the end product don't always match up. I suppose thats part of the adventure though.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the kinds words :)


  6. I love the painting. Finished or not, it's lovely. And, don't you just hate going to the dentist?

  7. Hi Pamposh, than you for the link, i love the story of the cracked pot!
    Cat thank you, adventure sounds good! and yes Pamela Terry & Edward, i really am not so very keen on dentists!

  8. Beautiful, I so love your work ... :0)

  9. Ruthie - I know of a wonderful book about imperfection and I am sending you a copy as a tiny way to thank you for my parcel.


Thank you for stopping by my wee corner of blog land, I love to hear from you all and will visit as soon as I can.