
October 19, 2008

Time out . . .

Mom and I mulled this over yesterday
as we sat chatting over mugs of tea in the sunshine
gazing out over the sheep strewn meadow, out across the turquoise bay.
We are both, we decided, very visual folk, we see our way through life
taking in all that information, storing it away,
to bring out and use as we sketch & paint.

i love days like this, time spent with my Mom, precious moments
we are so very lucky to have this wonderful lady in our lives
a talented artist, a strong, patient, kind, gentle soul
from her i have learnt & have yet to learnt so much

all my life i have watched as Mom created beautiful things,
her paintings & sketches, her garden, the peaceful haven at the cottage
and now, now she is in the process of setting up her very own Blog
i am so excited, i can hardly wait to see it.

( Images taken at the stunning Mullof Galloway, SW Scotland.


  1. Wow! What scenery - the sky, the fields, the water. Just gorgeous and a perfect place to contemplate such mysteries of life. :-)

  2. What a lovely read! I'm somewhat of a lurker,a reader, a searcher,always looking beyond, haven't started a blog but garner inspiration/muse from others to get my creative juices flowing. I was wandering and came across your blog, what a lovely way to end a busy day here in the States. One that I will bookmark. Thank you!

  3. Tara, yes i am sooo lucky to live surrounded by such beauty, i still have to pinch myself sometimes and hope i will never take all this for granted! and i do contemplate better for it! x

    Jean, thank you so for your comments & for considering my blog worth bookmarking! This is still so new to me and each post i write & sent out into the ethos i wonder " i am just gabbling on, all higgledy piggledy". It thrills me & warms my heart each time i receive a comment.
    Maybe one day you will start a blog of your own x

  4. So lovely to see and hear your inspiration in the beautiful photographs...inspirational and I have a sense of being there in your account of it all.....thank you comments on my blog too...

  5. Hi Ruthie, Thought I'd let you know that i have finally got round to looking at your blog! What lovely words and pictures. Its amazing how beautiful things can look when you're looking through someone elses eyes! Thank you for being such a lovely friend x

  6. Such beautiful pictures. What an honest and clear landscape. Thanks for posting these-


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