
September 05, 2008

A spark of creative inspiration

For three whole weeks, I have been house bound thanks to a slipped disc, trapped nerve and a doctors note. It was so sore, and I was probably so grumpy to live with. But I loved that I had a reason to stay at home, clear my head and re-focus.  I have drawn & painted, scribbled & scrawled, pages & pages of ideas, sketches and notes, so many project ideas. I have felt so alive.  How wonderful it would be to do this all day every day.

I have this poem on my inspiration board, first learnt it from my Mom . . .

There is no point in work
Unless it absorbs you
Like an absorbing game.
If it doesn’t absorb you
If it’s never any fun,
Don’t do it.
When a man goes out into his work
He is alive like a tree in Spring
He is living, not merely working.

D H Lawrence

What wonderful words they are . . . my hope one day!

Over the years I found I lost the energy & motivation to come home after a long day at work and start to make at. Now, a spark is kindled, over these past weeks I  have become more determined to aim for my goals. my dream ~ to be a full time, self -employed artist.

 I want to hold on to this focus I have discovered whilst being off work and get back to producing paintings again. I am going to try and do at least one sketch/painting each day to keep this new focus going and after all everything happens for a reason, doesn't it!

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