
February 15, 2018

A blessing tree and a special place

At last I can share with you some very special news! 

Late Summer I was approached by the design team for the spiritual care section in the new Dumfries and Galloway hospital, who were looking for work by local artists that would fit their vision.

I am very honored to say that my blessing tree 'May you have' was chosen to hang at the entrance of the palliative care unit.

You may remember that early last year our precious Dad passed away, he had been cared for in the wonderful Alexandria palliative care unit at the old hospital. The care and support he received there was outstanding, and we could never thank them enough.

For me the fact that my painting now sits in the new palliative care unit is so very poignant. I hope that whoever takes a moment to read the Blessing it carries may find a small measure of comfort.

A Celtic Blessing - May You Have 

May you have walls for the wind
and a roof for the rain
and drinks beside the fire
laughter to cheer you
and those you love near you
and all that your heart may desire.

Dear Dad you are always near us x x x