
March 14, 2012

What brings you peace, part 1

 As a thank you to all you precious & lovely followers.
I have here sat in my studio an A4 print of my newest creation
"Celtic Blessing Tree"  to give to some lovely reader.
Written around the tree is the Celtic Irish blessing "Deep Peace"
 So, to enter I thought it would be lovely to hear 
your thoughts on what brings you "Peace". . . .
For me is is being out in Mother nature,
walking in quiet woods, listening to the song of birds or 
standing on a sandy shore, the tang of the sea on my tongue.
  I do ask that you be either a follower of this blog, 
my inspiration blog "A faerietale of Inspiration"  or
my Ruthie Redden Artworks Facebook page to take part.
To enter please leave your "Deep Peace" thoughts below.
Open for comments until Saturday 31st March midnight.
( a special date for me as it was the day Mr O & I 1st met).
I so look forward to hearing what brings you Peace . . .
and thought it might be lovely to compile some of them
in a later post -  if you dont mind that is ;-)
x x x 
 (ps: The print is also for sale in my shop Mythweaver )

March 02, 2012

Celtic Blessings

Did I tell you of my wonderful visit to Groam House museum?
Last year we came upon it quite by accident on travels up North.
I do have to admit I had never heard of this treasure trove before!
A wee museum with a wonderful collection of Pictish stones,
I gazed at them in awe, the detail & design from so long ago.
And taking pride of place the remarkable Rosemarkie cross-slab,
(image below, bottom right) taller than me & decorated all over!
 We were lucky to catch an exhibition of work by George Bain   
who dedicated much of his life to discovering the techniques 
used by the ancient Celts to achieve their intricate knotwork.
Bain is often called the Father of modern Celtic design.
I love his work (see below) & couldn't resist buying his book !

Back home as i walked in the quiet woods, amongst tangles of branches
 i was reminded of the celtic knotwork I had seen at Groam House
and a painting of branches & knots began to stir itself in my mind
it in turn bought to memory this beautiful Celtic blessing . . . 

Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

(adapted from - ancient gaelic runes)

you can hear a wonderful version sung  here
and so was inspired my "Celtic Blessing tree".
Words & edges are picked out in gold and I love the way the 
light catches & glints every now and then, quite magical!
Finished at last & soon to be made into prints & cards.
* * *

Spring is in the air

At longest last I feel signs of Spring in the air as March appears
so lovely to see lighter evenings & misty mornings again
I am feeling as mad as a March Hare, so much to do so little time!
Paintings to paint for an exhibition, a vegetable patch to start, 
a pile of sewing, books waiting to be read, hmm where to begin!
A walk is always a good place to start dont you think?
 To breathe in the deepest lung fulls of pure inspiration!
Walking in our woods i spy knots of wood & twisted roots,
delicate lace like skeletons of leaves & entwined branches,
all the inspiration of Mother nature spread before my eyes.
It reminds me of the symmetry of the celtic knotwork i so love.

So March is here & there are new treasures to discover,
 the clocks will go ticking forward & there is Spring Equinox.
Very soon we will be tiptoing through bluebells in the woods!
What do you love about March?